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I was just curious if anyone on here is politically active?
Attends political events, protests, marches, has party membership, helps parties campaign, ETC?
Such persons seem to be a very small minority in general.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
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I have in different ways at different times in my life. Not currently. I pay no attention to US politics at all anymore and don't care to. (It's all a huge farce so far as I'm concerned.) Back in the 60s I was def on the radical end of the spectrum.
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Jesus Christ no. Voting for a president is as far as I will go and that's only cause there are still Pinochet lovers that run for office smh
I dislike the local right winger nutjobs (to be fair I would dislike them on the sole fact that they are hardcore insane Catholics) as much as I dislike the nonsense that is the left (way to screw up a perfectly running country in less than 2 years, ugh).
In any case they are all more concerned with getting rich than anything else, so the only decision to be made is which one will fuck you over less. That is simply sad.
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Indeed, they are a small minority Genersis...
Most people go about their daily lives without giving much thought to politics. It surprises me when I hear someone say something like; "I didn't vote for him because his eyes are to close together",,, or,, "his lips don't look natural",,, or,,, "he has a sneaky look to him".......... Those attributes do not indicate whether a person would make a good leader or not, yet that's how many, many, people decide who to vote for.
I have discovered that in most cases, I cannot change a persons political opinions. They will even agree with what I have to say - yet vote for the axe-murderer anyway because the axe-murderer had nice eyes,, while the other guy didn't.
Nowadays, I suppose I'm a low-range activist. I put posters in my front yard, give money to the political group who I support, and of course VOTE (smile)....
I leave the rest to the younger political activist who have the energy and conviction to do the foot stomping & endless debates. My nerves & patience have been frayed enough in this lifetime...
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not interested in politics.
''Do I look civilized to you?''
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12-22-2015, 12:50 AM
(Edited 12-22-2015, 12:56 AM by Chase.)
Activism? Count me out!
I'll stay home, thank you. I don't get involved in cyber-related activism either.
I'm voting for Bernie Sanders.
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jimcrackcorn Wrote:Indeed, they are a small minority Genersis...
Most people go about their daily lives without giving much thought to politics. It surprises me when I hear someone say something like; "I didn't vote for him because his eyes are to close together",,, or,, "his lips don't look natural",,, or,,, "he has a sneaky look to him".......... Those attributes do not indicate whether a person would make a good leader or not, yet that's how many, many, people decide who to vote for.
I have discovered that in most cases, I cannot change a persons political opinions. They will even agree with what I have to say - yet vote for the axe-murderer anyway because the axe-murderer had nice eyes,, while the other guy didn't.
Nowadays, I suppose I'm a low-range activist. I put posters in my front yard, give money to the political group who I support, and of course VOTE (smile)....
I leave the rest to the younger political activist who have the energy and conviction to do the foot stomping & endless debates. My nerves & patience have been frayed enough in this lifetime...
Jim I don't think I've ever heard of a person voting for such superficial reasons, but I think even people with some interest in politics are impacted more by how a candidate looks or broadly comes-off than they'll admit.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
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Alto Wrote:Yeah and your opinions are so unique and different, oh well you are from london 
Only progressive pricks left, all the good people moved out (Included from another thread for completeness sake, no point reply to both separately)
Alto Wrote:Yes I support UKIP and you are the worst
You seem to remember me a lot more than I do you.
Not sure if that's because of a name change(I'd rather not start making assumptions as to your identity) or that I didn't care to remember, but I will say thanks for the warm welcome! :tongue:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I do follow politics just to get updated, but I don't think I will ever be that active. It's like what Suds said, both sides don't really have the public interest on their heart, too busy to get power, at least so here in Malaysia. I'm more interested with the politics in the West.
Hey Gen! How are you doing? Nice to see you
I am not an idealist anymore...I see it all for what it is..and the one thing I care about (and so should EVERY gay person) is who will be appointing the next Supreme Court Justices... all comes down to that for me..and I will vote for any Democrat because it will be a disaster if another Republican tips the court....
I would like to vote my conscience but the reality is more important now...and it is all about who will be appointing Supreme Court Justices.... THE END...