Insertnamehere Wrote:Bish I don't so shit to please YOU. Get over yourself.
Get over myself...and get under you? Okey
CarGuy65 Wrote:Yay!!! your back! Remember ya and missed ya!
I'm glad you remember me, and I certainly remember those four wheels

how've ya been hunny?
azulai Wrote:Will always love your sass, Queenie! :biggrin:
Husband? :eek:
Boyfriend/partner/lover but no husband! I'm toooooo young! :tongue:
Seriously, I have way too many variables right now to push things to THAT level. 
He's a sweetheart and still putting up with me -- so things are going well!
Shelly, not Ted. Remember, my turtle was too young to determine whether it was a he or a she. I got it wrong.

Again, glad you're back!
Sass? Pah! Lol that was just mild :p
I don't know why I thought it was Ted lol! Now that you say Shelly, it does ring my bell lol :v
Forgive me dear, I'm getting old you see!
and after all this time, he still ain't put a ring on it? Have I taught you

Well give it time hun, y'all been together since like 100years, so maybe one of these days