Well, its a perplexing question to say the least. I'm had no problems filling out everything truthfully, but I wonder what some of the other employees thought... to have there sexual, religious and ethnic identies proded. Where does insight end and spying begin?
It will be interesting to see if anything develops at work because of this.
No, more like hearing people rip into mangement for being too intrusive. Some of the people I work with are hot heads. I love to watch some of them rant.
Its not that I think work will change, but I've already been hearing people complaining that the survey was too personal and the company doesn't have the right to ask those questions (even though as I have said it was optional and kept extremely confidention, ie- you never put your name, you seal it in a plain envelope, and put it in a box).
I guess when I started this thread, I should have asked whether anyone here would feel invaded to have personal questions asked, even though its strictly confidential and optional.
you had the choice not to participate