03-28-2016, 01:37 PM
Hiya! My boyfriend and I are currently in a long distance relationship. We've been together for almost two years. (He's in graduate school in Ottawa and I'm in undergrad in New York) We have intentions of moving in together when we graduate from our respective universities, but we're a little worried/ nervous about the process and really don't know how to look into this. By the time he moves here, we'll have been together for over 3 years, and while we have discussed marriage, at 24 and 23, we'd still rather wait a couple of years, as I'm still on my parents' insurance. The other problem is that he wants to work and also go to school for his PhD, and I've heard that some visas only allow for one or the other.
Any advice would be appreciated if you have gone through a similar process or know someone who has. Thanks
Any advice would be appreciated if you have gone through a similar process or know someone who has. Thanks