I believe that there are life on somewhere else.. But dont know what kind... It could be anything.. Intelligent or not, smarter than us? Who knows until we meet them...
But lets prepare ourselves to meet the great Andromeda at first xD
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well I for one believe that there has to be life on other planets on a massive scale - the galaxy in the vid has trillions of stars in it alone - why should how little solar system be anything special at all, honestly cant believe that anyone still thinks that's the case too - its was only a blip in the timeline that we thought the world was flat - but suddenly were confident to say their is no life anywhere in the trillions of galaxy's expect ours little solar system with our one sun out of all those massive figures - we don't have evidence of life anywhere else yet probably because were not advanced enough to find it - or even know what life may be like anywhere else to fathom out what to look or even listen for