MickTheMousie Wrote:Well personally i think 99% of what all religions say is bull shit... and i think masturbation is totally normal and a good thing, if it wasn't a good thing then it wouldn't feel good
yea yea, why do we get fat then? well because our bodies aren't used to having as much food as it wants, back in the days (hundreds of years ago in most of europe) it would have to eat as much as it could when it got the oppertunity, so that if it didn't get enough food for some time it would be able to survive on the overeating it did before
and you aren't wasting semen, do you even know how much semen a normal guy produces DAILY?about 1000, and i'm pretty sure you dont want to make 1000 women pregnant daily, cuz if all of us had to do that... well let's just say there wouldn't be enough women + why should gay men then produce semen if it's only to make babies? so you're gonna waste it either way, why not get some fun out of it? 
You can believe that it is bullshit, but I wouldn't consider taoists to be religious, but more philosophical. That's not the point here. The point is that most people believe it is healthy and it's been proven. I know, I know. I should agree with you all, but I personally do not want to do it and if you want to, go ahead. Live and let live.
I personally don't mind if you do it, but the thing is, I don't like being tired in teh morning. I don't like making myself tired in an artificial way. When my body tells me to sleep, I will sleep, but if I have to masturbate to get myself to sleep, that's a problem.