05-29-2016, 01:06 AM
JJThePenguin Wrote:....Thanks again for all the responses and helping me simmer down a bit. I am less panicky about the future now, and I'll try to stay more optimistic and open this fall. It's cool to know that there is a generally compassionate and accepting community for this sort of thing.Welcome to the forum. For the most part we try to be supportive. Like, in this case, what can we actually do (or what questions can we answer?)... that would help you feel less "panicky about the future"?
Just FYI, IRL I am a very shy person. Now that may come as a surprise to people here as online I can come across self-assured and assertive. That's not a false perception, but it is only a *partial* perception.
I'm just sharing this because I've been in three long term relationships. One with a woman and two with men (both of the men are deceased). I'm now 68 years old and very likely WILL live alone for the rest of my life. TBH, I'm not even sure I want another relationship at this point. But being shy need not be a reason to not get into a relationship. Moreover, it isn't that uncommon for young gay guys to not have dated before they get to college. VERY few are "out" in high school... so you're not alone there.
Where you MAY run into difficulty is your wanting to wait until you're married. Personally I'd never marry someone who was sexually inexperienced. That's a total "pig in a poke" scenario except you never get to poke. FOR SURE you should do things at your own pace -- and if we can help you feel more secure, we're happy to. But you may want to consider re-thinking your strategies for living a healthy happy life. Having a sex life prior to marriage doesn't mean you have to turn into a total slut. I've never been a particularly promiscuous gay man... but I certainly didn't wait until I met "Mr. Right" to do the deed.
