04-14-2009, 02:04 PM
"The Pope and the Vatican have an "entrenched attitude" towards homosexuality which is less tolerant than the views of ordinary Catholics, Tony Blair says in comments" published in The Independent on 8th April. The story concerns an interview with Tony Blair for Attitude magazine by Johann Hari.
The Indendent story is reported here You can see the whole text of the interview if you go to the Attitude website but you have to register first.
As you can imagine, Mr Blair has attracted a lot of criticism for daring to suggest the RC Church could do with moderating some of its intolerant, ill-informed, homophobic views. He may have made some appalling errors of judgement whilst in office, but he presided over the government that did more than any other to encourage equality for lgbt people in the UK and I shall always want to acknowledge that. He is exactly the kind of person who will make people take notice, when he makes such a pronouncement. Having now read the whole interview I commend it to you
The Indendent story is reported here You can see the whole text of the interview if you go to the Attitude website but you have to register first.
As you can imagine, Mr Blair has attracted a lot of criticism for daring to suggest the RC Church could do with moderating some of its intolerant, ill-informed, homophobic views. He may have made some appalling errors of judgement whilst in office, but he presided over the government that did more than any other to encourage equality for lgbt people in the UK and I shall always want to acknowledge that. He is exactly the kind of person who will make people take notice, when he makes such a pronouncement. Having now read the whole interview I commend it to you