Glad to see you back!
Yah, well we will be moving to a new place end of this month. We being Inferno, Daveed, Andi, Charlie and Sonny.
Who is Inferno since none of you kids seemed to notice the change of my status? We are talking a wee bit over 6'4" (193.04 CM) of hot, hot, hot man, full nickname I blessed him with is Towering Inferno. And that is just the body heat he radiates. The other two names are attached to two wonderful Chihuahuas who adore Andi and who Andi can run and play with.
So I'm here for a minute because of first, last, pet and security deposits, the demand for the first born male plus moving expenses. We found a nice two bedroom house to rent - $550 incl gas, electric, sewage, water and trash. Its got a loverly back yard and space for dogs, garden, Shed and other things/plans.
Downside... My health is declining but I have enough doctors now to where they worry about that crap and I just do what they tell me.
I found a few power-words to use on people:
.... apparently when I drop the name of my on call attorney things magically change and doors open and people do things for me. Like doctors who at first were reluctant to give me the righht medications but now seem to find the time to actually write those scrips...
Inferno is teaching me other power-words. Of course he tends to use them more than me, and he is kinda scary. Hands as big as hams, a stern, weathered face (he worked construction for decades like me!!!) and most of the people here in Albuquerque apparently descend from Lilliputians.... So...... When he talks they listen.
I now weigh a whopping 155 pounds. Up from the 132 of the last time I was here... Can't go mucn further up because of the back issues. But I'm than before.
Life is currently and contrary to my previous motto, I do honestly believe that this WILL end well.
And end it shall. There are a few kinks in my plumbing, I'm caught in a couple of medical catch 22's... So the prognosis is that I won't go much beyond 120 (ten more years - ya 60 in human terms).
But that is ok. The Towering Inferno is just a touch older than me, we figure we will get a good decade of relationship... (Can we say perhaps marriage in Colorado?) and shuffle off this mortal coil as close to each other's expiration date as possible.
I guess this makes up for the previous 50 years of life. But when I die I still have about 1 million questions to ask of the Great Invisible Man Up In the Sky....
Luiv you all
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Joined: Nov 2015
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
In 1992 they did x-rays on my mother, they found 3 brain tumors. I was 6 at the time and being told that your mom has 6 months to a year is pretty devastating. Well it's been 20 years. Has been a bumpy one but she still gets around and no she's not in good health, but she's here. So put an expiration date on yourself, you could very well live on for quite some time. As long as you're happy that's what counts....
Now I need to find me a "towering inferno" lol
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
Check out my stuff!
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Joined: May 2014
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
So good to have you back and congrats on all the positive stuff that happened while you were away. Welcome back.
Being gay is not for Sissies.