If you are out and about and see a guy you like, how can you tell if he is also gay (e.g in the 70's there was the hankie code, how do you tell now in the noughties. e.g. Earing in right ear??
Also how do you know if someone is compatible to yourself, if you are a top you may prefer a bottom and vice versa. If you see a good looking bloke in a pub, is there any outward tell tale signs of what he likes in the sack?
It's a cutural thing - where in the world do you live?
I'm not literate for the German gay scene - I live in a small city and I'm not German
Those days of subtle jewelry and accessory cues are long gone
In the UK (in which I am very literate) and the US (which I assume is similar) there are very well established gay cultures
Get yourself to a reasonably large city and there will be a gay district with bars and clubs – any cab driver will take you there
However, if you live in a smaller city, get yourself a SPARTACUS International Gay Guide – it will give you up to date information on bars, clubs and cruising areas in your area
The more difficult question you have asked is how you tell what roles people play sexually
You negotiate – there’s often a lot more to it than just bottom or top, most people (in my experience) play both roles, depending on who they are with
However, aside from the practical advice above the main thing is to be brave
If you find someone attractive, hold eye contact with confidence (without being leery) :eek:
If he does the same, go over and say hello – it’s as simple as that
Where do you live?
What role would you like to play?
Being very old, I use a very old method. I talk to him.
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Threads: 40
Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Marshlander! you forgot the "B"s!:tongue:
Seriously, talkings the best way, you should'nt make too many assumptions on looks alone, it could get you into trouble.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I have a sign that says I'm a Gay !!!!