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Borg69: Stevia might not be FDA approved but studies in the UK have proved that it has no negative effects on diabetics.
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[MENTION=21075]Borg69[/MENTION], "they" did not ban cane sugar. You can still buy it in bags atyour local supermarket. What happened is that the food industry found HFCS to be cheaper. When business finds a cheaper standin for a currently used commodity, they use it to save money. It is that simple.
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[MENTION=23180]axle2152[/MENTION], here are some good resources for information about diabetes. You should also ask your doctor for a referral to a good endocrinologist and ask both of them for a referral to a good Certified Diabetes Educator. You could also ask your doctor to refer you to a diabetic education class. Most hospitals conduct them and they may be covered by your insurance.
While it is tempting to explore alternative and non-traditionional approaches to diabetes and its treatment, it is also wise to explore the current information from traditional sources. As one of my doctors said, if X, Y, or Z treatment were successful, word would spread like wildfire and the disease would be gone. Take the pseudoscience that you find on YouTube with a large grain of salt.
who has been dealing with this for more than 20 years
By the way, you do mention your parents often and I am sure that it is because you are concerned. Hae you, without advocating that they change, simply analyzed their diet and your won using something like the ADA diet guidelines as a standard. Believe me, it is revealing. Closely adhered to, these guidelines will improve blood sugar levels and when combined with moderate exercise and good health practices, will give great results.
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Insulin is produced in the Islet of Langerhans located in the pancreas. Diabetes is connected to the amount of sugar and carbs you consume. There are two types of diabetes known as type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a condition you are born with, and Type 2 is a condition that is inherited. There are multiple causes of Type 2 diabetes. Diet and weight are huge contributing factors (commonly seen in the USA); however, it can also be related to damage to the pancreas or insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the body not responding appropriately to the insulin it produces. You need to first be diagnosed by a physician to know what treatment will be effective.
My experience is that healthy eating (lower carbs and higher fiber) and routinely exercising are the best way to prevent diabetes type 2. It is possible for a person to fast and be healthy; however, I recommend to do it under the supervision of a physician or dietician. Fasting can impact the vitamins and nutrition you require and receive, and I wouldn't recommend doing it without clear instructions tailored to your needs from lab work.
It's well-researched but still complicated. Lowering your glucose intake (by fasting or avoiding sugars) causes your bloodsugar to drop, naturally, which decreases the release of insulin. So far so good.
This, however, is counteracted by the release of glucagon, which signals to the liver to release glucose into the blood by gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis.
That soumds bad, I suppose, but the goal of it all is to keep the body in balance. As long as you don't eat anything excessively, the body will handle it. It's awesome like that.
What type of diabetes does your parents have?
Type 1: insufficient insulin production, usually caused by autoimmune breakdown of pancreatic beta cells. The reason why this happens is unknown, afaik. If this is the one you're worried about, the theory described in your post should have no effect.
Type 2: cells don't respond to insulin as well as they should (insulin resistance).
Living with type 1 sometimes brings about type 2 too.
axle2152 Wrote:I haven't had pop since December... been drinking, coffee, tea and water for the most part. The first week stopping was physically and emotionally. I used to drink it all the time. I lost about 17 lbs the first month though. So that will definitely help if not get you out of the pre-diabetic area....
What is interesting to think about is assuming all this is for the most part correct that fasting increases your sensitivity to insulin that would seem to incline me to think that less insulin will make you store the calories...however the fasting should help burn stored fat... Does make evolutionary sense to be more energetic while fasting in efforts to get more food... However, that being said one thing is that we don't have to go for days without food and perhaps that in itself is not natural, especially foods that are exceptionally high in carbs, sugars and so on....and I'm an expert and don't know really what the fuck I'm talking about lol
Of course that is why the subject of diabetes is a well debated one, there's a lot of studies, of varying qualities that suggest many things might work or not work.
Your number 1 enemy is processed carbohydrates. That is why I recommended the raw food diet, you replace complex carbohydrates with slow-burning carbohydrates. The starvation diet NEVER has you go more than 2 hours with out eating. The one I used, I ate 1200 calories a day, but I ate very small portions every 2 hours. I was never starving, but it changed the way I experienced hunger. With the diet, you are technically "hungry" all the time, but after a while that feeling fades and you don't feel hunger in the same way again.
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LJay Wrote:[MENTION=21075]Borg69[/MENTION], "they" did not ban cane sugar. You can still buy it in bags atyour local supermarket. What happened is that the food industry found HFCS to be cheaper. When business finds a cheaper standin for a currently used commodity, they use it to save money. It is that simple.
I was being facetious calling it a ban, but I do recall the doctors and dentists, scientists and politicians all denouncing cane sugar and praising how great corn syrup was going to be for farmers and the US.
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[MENTION=20359]Cuddly[/MENTION] They all have or had type 2... That's no surprise, but most all of them didn't eat healthy or did there you are.
[MENTION=20933]LJay[/MENTION] I think for sure that a lot of these diets you see some of these doctors push, where they claim that they cured diabetes, do work initially because when you don't eat for days your glucose level will of course go down. The one thing I noticed is there aren't any long term studies, of course then again, might be harder to get participants and funding to conduct large scale and long duration studies. It is also very dangerous for someone who does have diabetes to try fasting, take my mother example, medical problems galore, it would be potentially life threatening.
I'd love to try the raw diet but the best I can do is frozen vegetables for now lol which isn't too bad...I think the worst thing is the portion of mac and cheese I put in....basically I have chicken breast, mac & cheese and vegetables...big serving of vegetables.
I know someone who has both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and it is terrible...the guy is my age and had a triple bypass, had a heart attack and I hate to say probably doesn't have much more time. It's down right scary and sad. His blood sugar has been over 1,000 and insulin can't bring it down or control it.
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[MENTION=23180]axle2152[/MENTION], one of my first experiences with the effects of diabetes was when some idot pulled a fire alarm for fun in a hotel where I was working. A fellow was therewith his family as part of a wedding. The fire alarm scared the wits out of him and threw him into shock. My job was to wait by the door of his room for the ambulance crew to arrive. It was terrible to watch him suffer.
Keep researching and stay healthy. Type 2 is probably a largely preventable disease but it certainly has some thigs to teach us all about taking better care of ourselves.
Your postings do help me to remind myself to do better by myself. Thanks for the encouragement.
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[MENTION=20933]LJay[/MENTION] Well you're welcome. I am happy that something I do helps someone else. Sometimes I need to take my own advice...or even advice on here... Sometimes we can listen but fail to apply it. Just like the fasting stuff, it is easy to talk about it but I imagine that it is fucking hard to go all day without eating anything at all...
Doing a triathlon is a big undertaking and it is discouraging when I'm doing group bike rides and even the fat guy leaves me behind lol... But it is mostly my bike not being geared as high as a normal road bike....I'm coasting while other guys are still pushing...but I digress. Most everything is all in your head, sometimes you win the challenge, others you fail...that's life... Health wasn't always important to me, had a different perspective back then. Used to love getting stoned and heck would have told you that was the point. Funny though on tonight's bike ride I'm going up the road and I smelled someone lighting up, didn't see anyone but the smell was unmistakable lol
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