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marshlander Wrote:Sometimes I simply have an emotional reaction to a work of art. Being stirred to anger is as valid a response as liking the look of something.
fredv3b Wrote:Sometimes when I see a 1960s concrete monstrosity I seethe with hatred at what brutalist architects did to our towns, it doesn't make it art.
marshlander Wrote:I might have to think about that a bit more ... :redface: But doesn't the functional nature of 1960s town planning take it out of the realm of art? A bit like those pictures people could buy in Woolworths. They were there to serve a function and fill a space, but hardly amounted to "art". :confused:
My example is not about town planning but about Architecture. Its not about that there is a office building of roughly size X in location Y but that it looks so awful. However that is slightly beside the point, whilst I agree if it fails the stir any emotional response from the viewer then something is not art but that is hardly a sufficient criterion to be art.
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
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marshlander Wrote:All along I've been looking for an opportunity to drop in William Morris' call to have nothing in our houses which we do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful, but I haven't found the opportunity yet ... damn 
I'm not generally a fan on Morris but I've always thought he had a very good point there. Such a pity you couldn't find the opportunity to share it with us.
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
Reminds me of a John Cage quote ... "It's all music."