I've thought about this a lot.
Maybe I'm gay because:
- my father worked away most of the time when I was a child
- my parents got divorced
- I had plastic toys
- I watched disney movies with female leads in pursuit of their prince
- I did more housework than more physically demanding tasks
- I had a female teacher, reinforcing the feminine dominance in my early life
- I was encouraged to draw and sculpt
- I have an older sister
- I often played with girls (neighbours, cousins)
- I was born this way?..
trust me .. i deal with boobs all the time ..
Envirmental factors of course play a role. In my case I never had what one would call a relationship or otherwise even through all of my college experience, being denied all the way thru ny females... I guess when I finally misclicked a porn video it led to more "gay" porn, and further to curiousity about oral stuff with a dude. Now IDK what to think as I almost "miss" the feeling of a penis in my mouth..? Only happened twice, and was at least a year ago...
Know where I am coming from..?
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Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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I have very similar situation to Jim - I saw nude males many times, however I fantasize other males being naked at a very young age.
I start suspecting myself being gay at a really young age - probably around 10 as I enjoyed those little boys' "touching" games and my fantasies on them.
But I didn't confirm that right away because many sources say that "you may be just curious in the teenage phase" etc. So I wait. Until after watching several porns that I realize what turns me on was always the male but not the female. In fact, thinking about and watching the naked woman turns me way off so I am certain at that point.
After that, looking back to my childhood's behavior and way of thinking, I am quite sure I was born this way.
But there is one thing I think worth addressing - I have found myself, unconsciously, using female as a model to behave. ie when I am reacting to people, my natural behavior was learnt from the females that I've seen before, whether people around me or from TV etc.
As soon as I have found out this, I chose to consciously stop doing this. Because I don't want myself to behave too feminine as I find myself being attracted to non-extreme feminine guys. I want myself to be one of those people that I find attractive too.
But as for why I would unconsciously choose a female as my role model in the first place, I have no idea. It just comes naturally.
I don't know if this addresses your doubts but it could be a reference for you.
I am gay just to be discriminated against. And have things harder for me in general.