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Does this offend you?
I found this video about "gay zombies" on YouTube the other day. I thought the video was funny, but I noticed that some of the people commenting on it seemed to find it horribly offensive. The video does mock gay people and perpetuate gay stereotypes and I can see why many people would be upset by it.

So, I was wondering what people here think... Is this video all in good fun or does it take things too far?

Personally, as I said, I do find the video amusing, but I'm worried that it will reinforce the idea in many people's minds that gay people are not unique individuals, but rather a group of people all defined by their sexual orientation.


Now generally i have a pretty outrageous sense of humour and will laugh at anything, be it racist, sexist or even more unacceptable, so much so that i daren't even post the topic.... I think the best way to combat negative stereotyping is to laugh at it. Bernard Manning's jokes make me laugh becuase they're just so ridiculous. It's kinda perverse, laughing at the fact that people can be so ignorant.

Now on to this video.

My qualms here are not with the subject matter of the video so much as the fact it's totally devoid of anything even vaguely recognisable as a funny moment. I'm sure that had it been funny, i'd have laughed and not been offended.

Right now the only thing bothering me is how lame the jokes are.

I don't think there was a particularly funny moment either, but the whole video was so outrageous and over the top that that's probably why I found it humourous. Confusedmile:

I found it a little funny but I didnt find it offensive.

if anyone is offended by something like this then god help if you ever watch a carry on film or little britain, comedy has always featured the most camp of gay culture as this is what makes us laugh.
could you imagine 'Are you being served' without Mr Humphries saying "I'm free" or Will and Grace without Jack's campness.

I found it funny and so fake and not true

Variation on a theme, I suppose, if a little misguided. Can't say I approve of anything that perpetuates stereotypes or seems to support gay bashing, but I shan't be writing to my MP about it. It's just sad that they've obviously gone to a lot of trouble to produce something giving such little value. :frown:

We all see the world differently sometimes things people do or say are offensive, we just have to pick our battles to fight the good fight.

I dont find it offensive if you realize that it suppose to be comedy the issue i have with this video is if someone that does not know the difference between hate and comedy example in the video the guys have a shovel and a clipper now if someone who maybe rather younger see this and already has an issue with gay men sees this and takes it the wrong by thinking it okay to hurt another individual then that could potentially be a serious issue. In the personally I though it was awesome.

offensive no stupid yes

Offended? If i only cared to see a doodlehead's view of homosexuality... They must be str8... no imagination at all! i could have send them a better story line than that if they only asked Tongue3

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