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Tornadoes hit parts of Wales today. One touched down just outside of the town I live in. The wind speed was 96 mph. Luckily no one was hurt and little damage was done. Other parts of Wales suffered damage to buildings but thank god no serious injuries.
An eye for an eye
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Ive seen waterspouts in the Bristol Channel before
Come on, you act all surprised and stuff. Everyone knows that Wales is Tornado alley and every year it gets hit by thousands of tornadoes...
Oh wait, my bad, glo0bal warming and stuff might actually be changing the lay of the land.
Thankfully no one was hurt... but still we need to start worrying about the near future and what other kinds of stuff can go wrong.
I strongly urge everyone to get a preppers attitude, stock up supplies, have a bug out location - a place to go to if your place is sunk, burned, sucked up in a tornado (Oz was only fiction, anyone picked up by a tornado is most likely dead when the tornado puts them down).
I'm told that this town doesn't have major disasters, so of course the plan of action for me is to build my own place one I get on section 8, including such minor design "flaws" like a basement, hurricane roof straps, earth-quake structural design.... While these are remote I know that Mom Earth hasn't had a history of not doing unexpected things.
Hell even as an old cripple dude I have already picked out a safe haven to go to if things go south here (a Bug out place). I have a bug out bag near the front door, I have been stockpiling food, water, and other stuff just in case things go south.
If I can do it on 167 in foodstamps and 245 in cash assistance then there is no reason why anyone else earning a real living wage can't.
Look at this unfortunate event as a "just cause" to prepare for a disaster of any sort.
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Glad nothing major happened!
That said...I wish someone would tape one...from a safe distance of course
Tornado's can and do happen anywhere in the world. 4 in Sydney Australia this time last year, 6 in South Australia this year.
But Australia is still the safest country in the world.