we don't do grade here in new zealand. im looking for a guy to but im weighting til he comes along. and art i love it to but im no painter i suck at it and its still one of my fav classes.
im not very camp when i firs came out i got called straight. apprently i was only saying i was gay to get close to chicks
Ewww I hate when people say that.
I am really glad I met you!
What manga do you read Justin?
I'm glad I met you to. but any way i got over being called straight now i get called gay from guys then I tell them "Its only because i love you" and that useualy gets rid of them
its a picture of someone I know that I painted to make him more manga like looking ^_^
iv been to tokyo too!
I was at a park there and I seen random guys makeing out and makeing love to air! it was weird O_o!
Posts: 2,797
Threads: 40
Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Oh hey King! I think im a bit late today, Welcome to the forums!:biggrin:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Oh I understand im sure your horably bizzy ^_^
anyways thank you for inviteing me it means so much for you to take your time to say hello! =D
but as people say "better late then never" right?