12-01-2016, 12:27 AM
Hey everyone! Time just seems to fly out there. I've been debating making a return to this site, but haven't really been able to figure out how to go about it. I've seen some people make posts in the introduction section when returning, so I figured I'd take a page out of their books. I haven't been active for quite some time, so I wanted to take a second to say hi to everyone I may have known back when I was more active and anyone who's new. I'm a senior studying English and communications (currently typing this out while I probably should be writing my Chaucer essay xD), and I'm super into a lot of different things like writing and reading (which is probably evident from my majors), but also some video games (mostly Nintendo), photography, traveling, genealogy, and a bunch of stuff I'm neglecting right now. Name's Bryan btw! I look forward to chatting with and getting to know a bunch of you better!