As a new bottom i`m a bit confused as to who chase`s who.. I would assume the top Being a top would chase? but that has not been the case... even being a bottom i seem to be the one doing the pursuit!...
So what do you guys think!....
nothing is set in stone...
Bottom/top/verse are sexual positions, not social positions. Throw out every preconceived notion of what roles should or should not be doing in social situations. Bottoms do not have to be submissive, tops don't have to be dominant, either in the bedroom, or in pursuing someone they are interested in.
Same is true of body descriptions such as femme, masculine, jock, twink, otter, bear, etc, as they relate to sexual positions.
While there are stereotypes, I think one's role in the bedroom does not have to correlate to anyone's preconceptions of said label.
You are in control of your body, what you allow others to do to it, and what you do to others.
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Joined: Feb 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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This is always such an odd concept to me, and admittedly, I haven't read the other comments, so pardon me if this is repetitive. Just because you're a bottom doesn't mean that you have to fit into the feminine role, nor does it mean that submissiveness has to be associated with females and the feminine. Everyone's different, there's no protocol (at least in my mind). So if there's a top out there you fancy, go for it.
Chasing is energy spent better saved for activities that routinely follow.
If I make a move on a bottom, or he makes a move on me - totally doesn't matter to me.
Never had any interest in the chase. Some guys love the will-he-won't-he of it all, but I just would rather skip to "Hey, you want to have sex?"