12-14-2016, 06:19 PM
I said that I didn't wanted to start a thread about this... But here I am again 
And I'm starting now with the question: What a good person really is?
For me it's hard to explain, because every of us has been raised and encountered in life with many situations that has builded our own awareness of that meaning.
We can see on the news, for example, a some people who make some kind of things who may be considered 'bad', but in their minds they are doing those acts in name of a perfect or better society by political, religious, or philosophical reasons. (I don't want to offend any so I'll let yourself to bring your own conclusion about who those groups are)
Buy why?... Tradition should be the answer?... Dysfunctionality on their minds? but a Dysfunctionality can be collective to the point of involve whole countries?
... I don't know and that's what is my point about, maybe we, as how we have been raised consider this behavior unnatural or inappropriate... but I'm pretty sure that they should think the same about us.
Because the truth is that, it's really not stated what is good and what's bad... everything is just subjective.
But we don't have to go that 'global' to put those examples. We can see disparity in our everyday with people we know, maybe of our own city, neighborhood, or own home and family...
Imagine if one day you and your best friend decided to go on a restaurant and in the middle of the order he says to the waiter that he will not eat the meat menu because he has read that 'meat brings cancer' and you never knew in all the years you had met the dude that he doesn't eat meat by that reason.
In the other side you find yourself the best meat lover... BBQ, hamburgers, meatballs, stews...the list could be extensive about how many of those plates has passed through your mouth and they've been so delicious that you can't actually believe the dude is speaking about, such delicious things could bring a something so harmful as cancer is, you spoke to him arguing that all societies, most of the animals had been eating meat by millennials and thinking that way is no more thing than just absurd.
And then he started arguing back about how the life expectative has increased through all these years just because humans started to have a more balanced dieting, and the longest living societies are those ones who doesn't eat meat in their daily diet...
And what happened? yeah you started a fight with your best friend, just by such a simple thing.
Three things are actually happening there... First, yes they're arguing about a particular difference between them because of something that they had ALREADY LEARNED... Second because they're "trying" to defend their own conception about what's good vs what's bad, and third... We see it simple because we are not involved in the situation.
... that's not part of the main topic but worth it to mention, we usually see the things easier to resolve when we aren't part of the trouble.
And yeah, my personal opinion about this topic is:
I believe about something that is over all those concepts of goods and bads... and that's is Justice.
But what's justice? well, to me as I told, justice is the concept that doesn't really care about what's good and what's bad, is well represent with the balance, because it's exactly that, is the thing that maintain the equal conditions between all the species... in this case humans.
I know that I may sound 'bad' for some of you with this example, but I'm gonna try to be the expressive as possible:
Imagine that you had a boyfriend and then after a lot of beautiful years together suddenly you discovered that he had been cheating you with your bestfriend for a couple of months... You found in your thoughts that you have decided to take revenge on your best friend so you decided murder him, so you plot it perfectly... poisoning him on the thanksgiving dinner and then revealing all your plan before he faint in front of everybody meanwhile you're laughing with the evilest 'muahaha...'
The things are done, you had believe that you made yourself justice... but let me tell you, you did it wrong.
Because if you had decided that you will not care to go in jail, and you had decided to take justice by your hands, because you will not accept to just get over the thing and find another person for yourself and accept the occurrence as something that could happen in a lot of people lifes, everyday...
Ok, the right answer is... both cheated on you! not only your ex-friend. You should have killed both!
Why?, because what you've done may be bad or good depending on what kind of society eyes are watching you at the moment... but justice is always equitable, so to my own concept is always right.
And I had putted an exaggerated example, but in the case of the friends with the food issue the right thing should be to let each other eat what they wanted because they have the right to do what their want to their own bodies (and that's an universal right)
People always try to put other people's on their teams... no matter if what they're doing is wrong, bad or unfair, some will gonna try in certain moments to make you believe the same things they believe or to think in the way they think
So the main thing is that if you want to do something, what you really have to ask if that if by doing this, are gonna really please yourself?... and in the case if this affects someone else, are you being fair to these or those persons?... that's the basics.
I can talk about the mainstream concepts about what people consider good vs bad, but I think that it would take days to complete... so what do you believe?

And I'm starting now with the question: What a good person really is?
For me it's hard to explain, because every of us has been raised and encountered in life with many situations that has builded our own awareness of that meaning.
We can see on the news, for example, a some people who make some kind of things who may be considered 'bad', but in their minds they are doing those acts in name of a perfect or better society by political, religious, or philosophical reasons. (I don't want to offend any so I'll let yourself to bring your own conclusion about who those groups are)
Buy why?... Tradition should be the answer?... Dysfunctionality on their minds? but a Dysfunctionality can be collective to the point of involve whole countries?
... I don't know and that's what is my point about, maybe we, as how we have been raised consider this behavior unnatural or inappropriate... but I'm pretty sure that they should think the same about us.
Because the truth is that, it's really not stated what is good and what's bad... everything is just subjective.
But we don't have to go that 'global' to put those examples. We can see disparity in our everyday with people we know, maybe of our own city, neighborhood, or own home and family...
Imagine if one day you and your best friend decided to go on a restaurant and in the middle of the order he says to the waiter that he will not eat the meat menu because he has read that 'meat brings cancer' and you never knew in all the years you had met the dude that he doesn't eat meat by that reason.
In the other side you find yourself the best meat lover... BBQ, hamburgers, meatballs, stews...the list could be extensive about how many of those plates has passed through your mouth and they've been so delicious that you can't actually believe the dude is speaking about, such delicious things could bring a something so harmful as cancer is, you spoke to him arguing that all societies, most of the animals had been eating meat by millennials and thinking that way is no more thing than just absurd.
And then he started arguing back about how the life expectative has increased through all these years just because humans started to have a more balanced dieting, and the longest living societies are those ones who doesn't eat meat in their daily diet...
And what happened? yeah you started a fight with your best friend, just by such a simple thing.
Three things are actually happening there... First, yes they're arguing about a particular difference between them because of something that they had ALREADY LEARNED... Second because they're "trying" to defend their own conception about what's good vs what's bad, and third... We see it simple because we are not involved in the situation.
... that's not part of the main topic but worth it to mention, we usually see the things easier to resolve when we aren't part of the trouble.
And yeah, my personal opinion about this topic is:
I believe about something that is over all those concepts of goods and bads... and that's is Justice.
But what's justice? well, to me as I told, justice is the concept that doesn't really care about what's good and what's bad, is well represent with the balance, because it's exactly that, is the thing that maintain the equal conditions between all the species... in this case humans.
I know that I may sound 'bad' for some of you with this example, but I'm gonna try to be the expressive as possible:
Imagine that you had a boyfriend and then after a lot of beautiful years together suddenly you discovered that he had been cheating you with your bestfriend for a couple of months... You found in your thoughts that you have decided to take revenge on your best friend so you decided murder him, so you plot it perfectly... poisoning him on the thanksgiving dinner and then revealing all your plan before he faint in front of everybody meanwhile you're laughing with the evilest 'muahaha...'
The things are done, you had believe that you made yourself justice... but let me tell you, you did it wrong.
Because if you had decided that you will not care to go in jail, and you had decided to take justice by your hands, because you will not accept to just get over the thing and find another person for yourself and accept the occurrence as something that could happen in a lot of people lifes, everyday...
Ok, the right answer is... both cheated on you! not only your ex-friend. You should have killed both!
Why?, because what you've done may be bad or good depending on what kind of society eyes are watching you at the moment... but justice is always equitable, so to my own concept is always right.
And I had putted an exaggerated example, but in the case of the friends with the food issue the right thing should be to let each other eat what they wanted because they have the right to do what their want to their own bodies (and that's an universal right)
People always try to put other people's on their teams... no matter if what they're doing is wrong, bad or unfair, some will gonna try in certain moments to make you believe the same things they believe or to think in the way they think
So the main thing is that if you want to do something, what you really have to ask if that if by doing this, are gonna really please yourself?... and in the case if this affects someone else, are you being fair to these or those persons?... that's the basics.
I can talk about the mainstream concepts about what people consider good vs bad, but I think that it would take days to complete... so what do you believe?