what damage can they do. at least with their pro britain stance they will stop bowing down to america, who might i add also got us in a needless war, who else would you suggest be a better party then?
Robertson, what you have just written chills me to the bone. The British National Party is a fascist political force (presumably you've heard of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco?). If you think Labour has done "nothing" you have not been paying attention. Yes, the wars were a HUGE error by the Labour government, but there is no way you would have had the end of Section 28, or seen the outlawing of hate crimes based on sexual orientation, the provision of goods and services act, civil partnerships, legalised adoption, equality legislation etc. etc. etc. under a BNP government. On the contrary they would repeal these big steps forward we have gained in recent years. Their stated aim is to put us back in the closet. How do you suppose they'll manage that? It won't be by making the closet comfortable with soft furnishings and nice interior décor! They'll create the conditions for thugs with boots to do what they like.
This month sees the fortieth anniversary of the resistance protests at the Stonewall Inn in the USA (which gave its name to Stonewall, the magnificent organisation that has campaigned very effectively for change over your lifetime). If you are seriously contemplating voting for the BNP, when you are of age to do so, you would be certain to be throwing away all the freedoms you take for granted. One assumes you would like to be able to associate freely in gay-owned establishments without fear of harrassment or harm? You wouldn't have the choice under a BNP government.
Some, including me, remember the days when the police set traps for gays just so they could arrest us, when they raided bars and clubs at a whim and when untold misery was caused through having to live in the closet. Labour's incursion into our private lives and their seemingly unstoppable erosion of civil liberties has put the perfect infra-structure in place for a fascist government to do its worst.
You cannot be gay and vote BNP. Please don't even consider it. Vote for a change by all means, but find out who you are voting for. However "normal" you may consider your friends and neighbours who want to vote BNP you will seriously regret it if the thugs from the BNP ever attained serious power. Don't be tempted to mix up the BNP with the Scottish or Welsh Nationalists. We are not talking about the same deal at all.
ok i wasnt aware of the policies, im 15 i dont vote, i wasnt up to date on the policies, seems my vote in 3 years will be for the green party .... im sorry dont hate me, u obviously feel strongly about anti bnp for the essay u worte, i didnt realise what they were standin for im sorry al be more informed next time i post... i was just getting at needing a change because labour i dont feel has done enough to get us out of the economic climate we face :/
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woodchip50 Wrote:it kills you a little doesn't it?
Frankly it kills me more than a little.
Robertson Wrote:I hate to sound so Pro BNP But lets be honest labour done nothing but still managed to beat lib dems conservitives ect ect, snp got a few seats for scotland they wont do much, scotland has little say in anything so BNP, despite their extreme policies might be good, only 2 seats howver so nothing extreme will be implimented i dont think but some pro britain changes i hope.
dont hate me because i want a change, 
Robertson Wrote:what damage can they do. at least with their pro britain stance they will stop bowing down to america, who might i add also got us in a needless war, who else would you suggest be a better party then?
Robertson Wrote:ok i wasnt aware of the policies, im 15 i dont vote, i wasnt up to date on the policies, seems my vote in 3 years will be for the green party .... im sorry dont hate me, u obviously feel strongly about anti bnp for the essay u worte, i didnt realise what they were standin for im sorry al be more informed next time i post... i was just getting at needing a change because labour i dont feel has done enough to get us out of the economic climate we face :/
Marshlander is not the only one who feels strongly about the BNP, its the only openly homophobic party left in Britain. A vote for the BNP is a vote against gay rights and against gays. As for not bowing down to America I don't doubt for a second that a BNP government would do that far more than any mainstream party. Broadly speaking Britain has 3 strategic foreign policy options, 1) stand with Europe 2) stand with America 3) stand alone and fade into an obscure former world power somewhere in the seas off Europe. The BNP is virulently anti-Europe so they would not take option 1), they are pro-Britain so they couldn't take option 3) and allow Britain to fall completely from the world stage, that only leaves option 2). They would have no option but to bow down to America.
As for Labour not doing enough for getting us out of the Economic situtation we are in, they are building up the largest peace-time national debt in British history, you want even more?
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
Don't they want to break all ties with other countries.
leaving us out of their wars...
but totally vulnerable for one ourself...
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Jake Wrote:Don't they want to break all ties with other countries.
leaving us out of their wars...
but totally vulnerable for one ourself...
First our ties with America are so deep in history and culture they are not easily broken. Second they believe in GREAT Britain, they believe in Britain setting the world order not following it, so if they won't stand with Europe they must stand with America. It may not be what they would ideally want to do, just what they would end up doing.
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
goodness! people should only be allowed to vote if they are willing to research and find out what they are voting for >=]
ofcourse. if such a thing were implemented then i would never be able to become the next dictator of the uk, then europe, and eventually, RULER OF THE WORLD! Thank goodness for our democracy :biggrin: