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Trumpy does it again
kindy64 Wrote:Well, let's take this particular case, what was he talking about? What people say he was talking about, or what the White House clarified?

FACT: Sweden is certainly having trouble with the mass immigration that has gone on there. See above link.
FACT: FoxNews did run a segment on that the night before the speech was given. Also linked above (I think)

So, why isn't this sufficient to explain his misspeaking on this occasion?

Take the 2 memes I've investigated about him. Pictures of him and with his parents in KKK robes, NOT TRUE. Making fun of a reporters disability, NOT TRUE. The first one was a photoshopped image, and isn't as serious. The truth of the 2nd one, is that he's used the same flailing characterization for a number of people, it's his impersonation of a "frustrated person." He even used it when describing himself getting ready for a vacation with his wife. https://www.catholics4trump.com/the-true...isability/ The characterization of 2nd one, was a sticking issue for a great many people.

So, what is the purpose behind all these opinions being pushed as FACT? Why aren't people questioning the media more, instead of taking the attitude, I agree with it, so it must be true? I'm skeptical of everything being reported anymore. If it fits the lefts narrative, it's promoted non-stop. If a correction is made to that, it's later, quietly with hardly anyone noticing.

When someone can point to something that is actually dishonest or corrupt that he has done while in office, I'll first get to the bottom of the issue as best I can, since the media is failing in its job of presenting the unvarnished truth. Of course, you can point to any politician and find examples of broken campaign promises, hypocrisy, and policy which while legal, is disagreeable (especially to their opponents.)

He does sometime make overly broad statements, especially during the campaign. SO FREAKIN' WHAT? Clinton did the same thing, just about every politician does it. Yet, the press is more than happy to paper over Democrats doing it, while it's a national crisis when Republicans do it.

I'm tired of the one sided pile on by the media. Been seeing it for DECADES, sick and tired of it.

“Government is simply a word for the things we decide to do together,” is dependent on men with guns enforcing it. So, I'd prefer the government be as small needed, with very little power in general. Protect our nation, protect our individual rights, otherwise stay out of the way and let society work out social issues. I'm much more libertarian than republican.

I suppose that answers my question then.

[MENTION=22879]kindy64[/MENTION] why are you getting roped into this debate? You cant win, they wont let you no matter what you say. Im not sure what your leanings are and it really doesn't matter. Most people here have probably guessed by now that I represent the far right minority segment of the gayspeak community. You're arguing American politics with people half of whom don't even live in the U.S. And Im sure alot of these guys are just trolling because they have nothing better to do because they aren't getting laid. All Im saying is that arguing politics on the internet is beneath you.


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Doc Wrote:[MENTION=22879]kindy64[/MENTION] why are you getting roped into this debate? You cant win, they wont let you no matter what you say. Im not sure what your leanings are and it really doesn't matter. Most people here have probably guessed by now that I represent the far right minority segment of the gayspeak community. You're arguing American politics with people half of whom don't even live in the U.S. And Im sure alot of these guys are just trolling because they have nothing better to do because they aren't getting laid. All Im saying is that arguing politics on the internet is beneath you.

I'm not trolling anyone. I have strong opinions, yes, and my politics are pretty far left, and I might get heated sometimes but I'm not trying to fight with people. I just asked him if the things that concern him about the democrats and the broader left, also concern him when it relates to the republicans and the broader right. I could ask you the same. I'm not a democrat, I had concerns with Clinton, I don't think the democrats provide the solutions to the problems this country and the world face. I don't agree with a two party system because I think it encourages polarization. I'd like to see a coalition government personally.

There are many things about Trump and his administration that trouble me. Some have to do with the typical right vs the left. Other things are far beyond that though and have to do with other aspects of my identity outside of my politics. The way he handles a critical media is one thing that does concern me. His use of identity politics do as well. His and his administration's use of "misleading falsehoods" and "alternative facts" also concern me. I want to put out feelers and see how others on the other end of the political spectrum feel. Some republicans are definitely troubled by these things too, so I don't think you can dismiss it as easily as calling all liberals hysterical. Although I do see even critical republicans and members of the right being ostracized for vocalizing their concerns. That troubles me in some aspects even more than the dismissal of the left.

I am also a New Yorker and Donald Trump is nothing new to me, I know about him, I know about his father. Fred Trump left quite a legacy in the neighborhood in from. To a lot of Americans he's just a tv show host, a business man. A lot of us here though have more insight to who he is and he works.

There's been a lot of talks of reaching out to the other side during this election and the first month of this presidency. Reaching out to others has been something I've always tried to do in my life. I've grown more cynical lately and have had periods of anger and frustration. Even still, I have tried to be very careful and considerate with how I speak about politics and social issues here, sometimes I slip up, but I'm human too, but mostly I'm not given that same respect and courtesy when people of other perspectives respond to me. And I've yet to have anyone on the right ask me about my concerns in a serious, non argumentative manner.

I know for a fact on many things me and [MENTION=23180]InbetweenDreams[/MENTION] don't agree on a lot, but I can respect the guy because he at least tries to understand where I'm coming from at times, and he also is capable of calling out bullshit when he sees it. I'm far more likely to respect people who can recognize when their own sides shit stinks too. I don't like hypocrisy. I can call out the bullshit of the left, but I haven't been asked to or invited to on this site. Again, no one yet is really asking me to.

Despite my personal feelings I do my best to respect the opinions of others up to a point. I'm not a pushover though and I don't like being disrespected or to have my perspective and experiences brushed off.

You were someone who I had engaged in a respectful conversation with me despite our differences and now it is a little disappointing to see another side of you

Trump is full of shit why should any of us be surprised? Obama was full of shit, Bush was full of shit, Clinton was full of shit, Congress was and is full of shit. Our whole government needs a massive colostomy bag.

Confuzzled4 Wrote:Trump is full of shit why should any of us be surprised? Obama was full of shit, Bush was full of shit, Clinton was full of shit, Congress was and is full of shit. Our whole government needs a massive colostomy bag.

I don't think it's the typical shit in Trumps bag though, that's what I'm saying. The things about him that concern me reach beyond the typical divides of the political spectrum. If Sanders had won and started behaving in the same manner, I'd be just as troubled. But that didn't happen so I'm not going to waste my energy playing what if. Trump is what we have and regardless of politics I think republicans owe it to this country to be just as critical of him as they are of the left.

I'll agree, I think it's a colossal shit.

I also have to say that I like how people were sick of the corruption of politicians so they elected a businessman.

Emiliano Wrote:I'm not trolling anyone.

His and his administration's use of "misleading falsehoods" and "alternative facts" also concern me.

You were someone who I had engaged in a respectful conversation with me despite our differences and now it is a little disappointing to see another side of you

1.) I didnt say you were trolling anyone, but lets wake the fuck up. Political threads on forums are more or less used to troll.

2.) The last administration mislead people all the time and personally wronged me. When Obama publicly declared the withdraw of combat troops from Iraq in August 2010, it was a lie. We we still there and I saw as much action after the end of combat operations as before. We watched him say this on the news before we went on a combat patrol, the next day we received a memo stating that our units name had been changed from the "2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team' to the "2nd Advise and Assist Brigade". If you dont believe me here is proof this is my actual platoon and troop. Please watch it http://www.cbsnews.com/news/bringing-the...from-iraq/
He lied and he is a liar. When you end combat operations you no longer receive the same amount of combat support in terms of man power and supplies. That means fewer men with less supplies doing the same job, his lie cost lives.

3.) You are disappointed because I have an opinion different from yours? Tell you what before I have a thought I'll run it by you. Im not trying to come off as mean, but Im not going to back down to anyone.

a) When you read in the article about 50,000 troops its not as much as you think. Most of those troops are mechanics, drivers, intel, clerks, computer, medical, cooks, supply etc. and you only end up with like 3000 ish combat troops. 3000 is not alot for a whole country. Just in case you were wondering alot of people dont understand this. But dont take my word ask somebody like drobs he's around the military currently and can confirm this.

InbetweenDreams Wrote:[MENTION=22879]kindy64[/MENTION] Why spread around memes which are 90% bullshit? People can and they buy it... to sway public opinion. We have to sway opinion with bullshit because otherwise it requires critical thinking. Critical thinking is pretty much being abolished if you ask me...

And 'WHY?' is being replaced with 'Oh! ok then'

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