Hey Hey All
Names David
Really Really Confused Dont What To Do
Am Ah Gay?
I Dont No:S
The Problem Is, I Have A Girlfriend :confused:
Help ME!! :frown:
Well... you are 15. You should be confused by that age. That's natural :biggrin:
What do you think about guys? Sexual things?
And do you find your girlfriend is hot? You say you love her, but there is love and love. Is it strange for you to kiss her?
Posts: 2,797
Threads: 40
Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Welcome to the forum Robertson:biggrin:!
Perhaps your bi? Although It could be anything at that age, with all the hormones and stuff. I'm no expert....
Anyway, enjoy your time hear, you can ask us about (almost) anything!
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
yes sexual things, no need to get too graphic :L
but with mnady (thats her name) she is hot
we went to have sex but i just couldnt, i dont no how to describe it just a part of me felt it wasnt right, wheither thats to do with me not being ready or me not being straight i dont no, and im blind to the obvious hints she trys to drop to me to go to hers and "study"
thanks btw, it just feels good to talk about it**type even **
ps sorry about the spelling, its not my strongest point
It's difficult trying to work it all out,especially when you've only just become sexually aware in the last few years.
My own experience was very similar to this, I fancied both at 15 but only dated girls until I was 20, which was the age i came out to my girlfriend and started dating both. it was a few more years before i decided i was gay and not straight or bi. I don't regret taking my time over it.
don't rush in to anything there is plenty of time to work it all out.
and you don't have to come out to everyone until you feel comfortable doing so. whats more important is who you come out to and having someone you can trust with your feeling.
perhapse your mum does know and maybe she would be a good person to talk to about your feelings.
good luck with it all, you've come to the right place for advise as many people here have been through similar situations.
Does this whole feeling of no knowing who you are kinda thing go away?
I kind of feel like im living a lie if that amkes sence? or am i being a bit overly poetic here :/ yous are all 3 - 20 years older than me do you still fell it or do you fell better for coming out, To be perfectly honest and no offence what so ever fudger but i cant beleive im talking about my sexuality to 35 year olds but i guess help comes in strange forms eh