06-14-2009, 12:48 PM
Jake Wrote:Made me lol. :')
Have you ever had the dream where you can't open your eyes...
Like you only see a small burred slit of whatever is happenings...
like your eyes are only open a little.
I used to have those dreams all the time.
i had such an odd dream once
stupid in content too
i was skateboarding down a road in my town (no idea why, i have only been on a board about 5 times in my life...) and i realised i could feel bars on my right hand side. but in the dream my arms weren't touching anything or moving or anything. this was a bit wierding me out so i flet around more and realised there were these invisible bars on either side of me. but that i couldn't see myself reaching for them. then i tried to touch my chest to see if i was there, and i was, but my arms didn't actually move ot touch myself, they were focused on keeping me balenced.
this was when i realised i was dreaming
that my arms in my dream weren't moving and i was seeing my dream not my eyelids so i was kinda still asleep. but my arms and body was able to move, and my touch senses could feel my bed (was a loft bed of the time so had bars surrounding it incase i rolled in my sleep) and then i felt my body and my face and pried an eye open to try and wake me up. and then i did as i stopped focusing on the dream and suddenly woke up. sat up like a bolt of lightning and smacked my head on the celing...
freaked me out for days that