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So I was going a while not dating. And was happy with that, just being single while I wait to go back to college later this year. And a guy messages me, we talk for a week, and then go out for dinner. We have a good time, and then make plans to maybe go out again at a later date. He just moved back in the area so he wasn't sure if he was going to be busy or not. As the date comes around, I ask if we were still on for that night (it was still a few nights off). No response. We were talking for a little while before that, so I thought it was weird that he didn't respond. However it was late so I just thought maybe he fell asleep. The next day I send him a simple "?" Nothing more or less. No response.
The next day (the day of what would have been our date I ask if everything is OK, with still no response.
I have no idea why he ghosted me, and it irritates me to no end when guys do this. If you're not interested just have the balls to say so.
Part of me wants to tell him off, but I know how immature it is so I won't do so.
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That has happened to me on many occasions, it's weak of them. I get it that people aren't going to leave survey cards and all but if the date went bad, say so. No reason not to be a dick, I have literally told someone they were the worst person I had ever dated, because they were, the whole evening was a trainwreck... There's a thread about it, the guy ate with his hands...literally and other things. Just crazy, almost seemed intentional....
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Blokes are generally cunts.
About 10 years ago I was chatting to this bloke 2-3 hours a day after work and after a couple of weeks of 'Love to catch up and have a coffee and a good chat', we eventually did.
I turned up 10 minutes early, because that is the way I am, only to find him sitting at a table with an empty plate and swigging the last of his coffee. I never even got the chance to sit down before he stood up to shake my hand and ask me 'You wanna come back to mine, I live alone and we can have a coffee later.'
I think I would have preferred ghosting.
Radbot42 Wrote:Part of me wants to tell him off, but I know how immature it is so I won't do so.
No, don't do that. Just vent here. You will always have an open ear.
He probably didn't know how to say "no" without hurting you, or maybe he was just plain confused. Some inexperienced gay guys do that, they accept dates for the heck of it, even though they're not convinced, then either chicken out or act like this dude. Such a bloke is better lost than found anyway, don't let it get you.
How about a 6 week long distance relationship over the phone, texting/messaging. Finally we make plans for him to come see me. The day he's supposed to arrive, he doesn't show up, doesn't text or respond to me.
Couple days later he finally responds, oh I thought you were going to be exclusive with me, and you had that date a couple days before I was supposed to come. I had made it clear I wasn't interested in being exclusive with anyone just yet, especially someone I'd never actually met.
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That is pretty lame, but people hear what they want to hear...that guy clearly didn't take what you said to heart but that's the problem, either people can't communicate, listen or express themselves well enough sometimes...
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
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Marcus Wrote:He probably didn't know how to say "no" without hurting you, or maybe he was just plain confused. Some inexperienced gay guys do that, they accept dates for the heck of it, even though they're not convinced, then either chicken out or act like this dude. Such a bloke is better lost than found anyway, don't let it get you.
I think you're right Marcus, sad to say.
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Radbot42 Wrote:Part of me wants to tell him off, but I know how immature it is so I won't do so.
Best to just move on and forget about him. It's frustrating but I think most of us have had this experience at some point, and we are left wondering what we did wrong, if anything.
Sometimes I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt and wonder if their phone broke or something, but it would definitely cool me off arranging another catch up.
His loss.
<<<<I'm just consciousness having a human experience>>>>
I've been ghosted twice.
It sucks and it's very immature, but at the same time, I don't care enough that it will affect me.
I full tell em off through SMS and stating what they did is a c**t move and they deserve any negativity that happens in their life. Might sound harsh and shallow, but you don't leave someone hanging. I always tell people I'm not interested after the first meet or whatever.....