Posts: 1,251
Threads: 18
Joined: Jun 2015
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
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Well this is technically not exactly tomorrow but...I got sidetracked. Anyway, here's my personal tale of a guy who was a jerk/ghoster.
Before I met my partner I had a guy friend tell me Grindr was the way to meet people. That it TOTALLY wasn't just a hookup/sleaze site. Me being a naive virgin, who was just coming out into the world of being social and secluding myself in my bedroom like I had done all my life, figured, cool this sounds promising. I made it clear in my profile I was only into older dudes. Of course this made me a really really good prime target for all the married guys and other weirdos on there (I had a lot of interesting people contact me). One of them was Ron. His profile picture was of just his muscle body in a towel. He sent me a face picture at first and we started chatting just as friends.
I thought the guy was hot, total daddy material. He had a light beard which I didn't like, and a small tattoo which I wasn't crazy about, but everything else was hot I thought. We never talked about sex and agreed it was nice to finally talk to someone on Grindr without dick pictures or any of that kind of stuff. Eventually we agreed to meet just to meet, no sex, no pressures. We meet, talk, he reveals he's lied about his age (said he was like 46? when he was 56, which was obvious considering all the gray in his hair) and we talk some more. I wasn't bothered about his age lie because I figured, I'm not dating him, who cares. He gives me his number and I add it to my phone. He then tells me do you want to go back to my place to hang out? I was like, yeah cool, okay! Of course, this is NOT how people get raped or go missing Andy. This is a killer idea, go with this dude you literally just fucking met and have already learned he's a liar. Smart!
He wants me to go with him in his truck but I refuse, saying I'll follow in my car. I follow, and go to his apartment. He lives there with his foster son, who is not home at the moment. He told me before we met he was a foster dad. He immediately goes to the bedroom and turns on his tv and expects me to follow as he lays down on his bed. In my mind I'm STILL thinking "okay, this is just how we're hanging out! no biggie!". All of a sudden I'm lying next to him, he pulls me on top of him and I'm lying on his chest. As a young guy who has been lonely in every sense of the word for years and who has deep deep daddy issues, this is fucking heaven. Then he rolls me off him and we're tongue kissing deeply and he's real rough at kissing. Mind you, this is now my first kiss, I've never kissed anybody before. Then clothes come off, cocks are sucked, no body comes, he makes some sort of comment about how I'm good or something and I say "this is the first I've done any of this'' and he responds surprised "this is your first time?" to which I say yeah, and he says you're pretty good, or something like that.
Then it all stops, we just lie there naked, watching tv, talking. Nobody cums. We get up and do whatever (I honestly don't remember what) and we talk. Eventually he needs to go visit his brother, it's his birthday, he has AIDS. Ron told me his brother should have died years ago but he's still alive. Ron also revealed to me that guy, earlier, that he was a heavy drug user and alcoholic when he was young but quit it all when he was in his 20s. We part ways and say we'll hang out again for sure.
He messages me on grinder I think the next day, about something trivial, and I respond. That's all. Three days go by and I message him because I wanted to talk. I was beginning to freak out thinking maybe I got HIV from him (where this thought came from I have no idea). I have some severe anxiety disorders so I think after hearing he used to shoot up, his brother has AIDS, he just took me to bed without knowing me that well at all...all of that made me think well what if he does this all the time? Who knows what diseases he has? All I wanted to ask was, when was the last time you were tested? I never got that far. He never responded after the day we met up.
I then think, I know, I'll just text him! Forget grindr. I open my contact list to discover in my nervousness on the day we met, I never saved his number, only typed it into the phone. Now I'm really freaking out. I have no way to get in touch with him, I don't remember where he lives, and he's ignoring me on Grindr. At the time we met, I had finished losing a ton of weight, almost 100 lbs. My stomach looked weird because of the stretched skin and the fat that didn't "dissolve" right. So he asked about that after we got naked, I told him the only way that would go away is through surgery, he asked me if I was going to get the surgery to which I responded, eventually, when I have extra money for it. And then other things were happening so I forget what came next. So I'm thinking about that now and was thinking...maybe he dropped me because of that? Oh no...I'm unlovable! So that leads me into more anxiety, more stress, more freaking out.
He never contacted me again and eventually, I got over it. I realized that at my age of, then, 23 or 24 I was more mature than the guy who was in his late 50s. I didn't want a relationship, I even sent him a message saying if you don't want to be friends that's fine, and he wouldn't even respond to that. He acted like a little bitch. MY WHOLE POINT FOR POSTING ALL that people who "ghost" are worthless. I don't give a shit for their reason(s). If you want to play ball with the boys and lead guys on/take them to bed, have the balls to tell them if you don't want any further contact. Don't act like a scared preteen girl and ignore somebody. Doing that just shows what an immature cunt you really are and you deserve all the bad karma coming for your ass.
I probably should check all this for typos but I can't be bothered right now, sorry!