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I'm a : Single Gay Man
I have read alot of posts from my twitter pages, one caught my eye as a young man worried about what his father would do when he came out to him as it didn't go well with his mother. I grew up in the 1950's when it was much harder as there was no support on line or at gsa's. My main concern now days is to help people cope with the reactions of others. Nothing that you are experiancing is new, alot of us who are older have been through it. Besides, it's a sargent's job to take care of his men, Jim
Awh you sound the coolest adulty person ever!
Bloody hell it couldn't have been easy for you.
My grandad would kill me left right and centre if he knew.
He almost found out, and he cut of all connections with me.
But then it got all sorted, and we said my friends started a rumour.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
Thanks Jake for the kind words. Not easy emotional and physical abuse involved, tried suicide, 2 years later went into service, stayed 3 tours in nam hoping not to come back. Better now, Glad I survived. Jim
You are my hero!
I'm guessing you didn't come out 'til after the tours.
I believe it was dishonourable discharge for being gay in the army wasn't it?
When did you come out?
I'm assuming you actually have, which may be ignorant of me.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
Actually it was before I served, I was going to be outed to my parents so told them instead, at 13 years old, hince the abuse etc. Just didn't tell the service when I went in, don't ask, don't tell. Otherwise you are correct if you comeout and the brass finds out your discharged. Jim