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This is really a moan about my sisters, all they want me to do is babysit and today I dared to say no. She called me all the names under the sun and that I am a bad brother. For once I have been asked to go out tonight and decide to go. Now I am feeling bad, this is the first time I have said no, her shouting at me as really upset me.
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You dont have to babysit. it's not a DUTY, it's a favor to a sister. Your sis had better be aware of that fact. Also, it's ok to go out. I agree with deephiance, enjoy your beer.
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Take the kid to the bar. If it cries, give it some beer. If it cries again, give it a little more beer. Problem solved! No sister will ever pester you to babysit again!
Sounds weird to me. You're an adult man, you take decisions for yourself, if sometimes you cannot or just don't want to babysit it's something completely normal...
Your sis must respect you.
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Sounds like they've gotten used to you being available whenever they want it. You need to say no more often, if people start taking favors for granted. They're lucky to have a brother who is willing to babysit at all, and should show more appreciation of the fact.
This doesn't make you a 'bad' brother. If anything, they need to improve being better sisters to you, and not lash out at you when you have a life of your own.
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Completely agree with all the points here Dan. You have no reason to feel bad at all, that's just how your sister wants you to feel because she is used to taking you for granted. I hope you enjoy your night and if your sister gives you any more shit, you tell her where to bloody go.
If she decided to have the kid, she should also be able to take care of it herself, not force it upon other people. Everyone has the right to refuse, you're not a bad brother.
I can't add much here except to say as a parent I know how demanding kids are, as such, if a family member agrees to babysit then that's an amazing favour that's being done for my wife and me. It certainly isn't something that I would expect all of the time and your sis should be grateful and certainly not having a go at you for wanting your own time.
Sometimes families, more than friends, develop an expectation, although they really shouldn't.
Maybe she will have to learn the hard way that if you don't appreciate what people do for you, you come to miss what they dont.
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My friend's sister only gets in touch when she needs a babysitter. We have a running joke about the amount of Facebook posts she gets from her sister saying "call me, urgent" - always when she needs a babysitter. Never asks how she is or such. Just when she needs something. And gets arsey if my friend says no. I'm not saying your sister is the same as above but it's rude to just expect someone to drop everything for a child that is THEIR responsibility. Stick to your guns.
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