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Anyone using vape?
Ammon Wrote:It's a replacement for cigarettes.

It's been exactly a month since I quitted smoking.
The first week I caught myself craving for a smoke a few times but when I use the vape I lose the craving! After a week I didn't crave for a smoke I could feel getting a better health, better rest and more energetic!

It's been proven to be 95% more healthier than normal smoking.
It also is safe for the people around you and you don't smell anymore.

The only thing I miss is holding a cigarette... But I guesse after 10 years smoking that's a bit normal? Smile

How about you guys? Are you smokers? Did you tried or are using vape?

Ps: don't mistake the vape with the old e-cigs

Glad you quit smoking. Outside of a one month lapse last winter I have been quit for nearly 3 years.... It's not easy to kick the habit. For me, cold turkey was the way and often is the way I have handle a lot of thing sin life, but that doesn't work for everyone.

Vape and e-cigarettes and so on might differ but I can tell you right now your best bet is to get away from that as well when you can... I agree fully that vaping is much better than smoking, there's no questioning that, but nicotine and whatever else is in vaping (I don't keep up with this stuff -- only if they made pot legal in my state but since they can't get over who can shit in which toilet I doubt that will be anytime soon)... Anyway, my point is probably still not the greatest thing to do and don't assume vaping doesn't come with a price tag... I feel that smoking cigarettes, smoking pot, eating excessive amounts of cheesecake all come at a cost and although the body heals itself well, I can tell you that my smoking of 13 years left a mark on me... Do I feel better? Yes, very much so.... I did a sprint triathlon last year (sprint meaning short) and was quite difficult physically and if I had been a smoker I doubt I could have done it.

The other thing I want to point out as this could end up being the case for vaping is that it took a very long time to come out and say that smoking was bad was causing lung cancer, tobacco companies hired their own scientists and lawyers because they had money to spend and literally thwarted off legitimate studies and findings even long after many people knew that it was bad for them... Today, despite that we "know" it is bad for us yet there is this positive stigma about smoking...which is on the decline.

I also think there is a misleading movement about smoking pot too. Seems a lot of my pro-pot peers, friends on Facebook and so on seem to think that just by smoking pot your health is going to get better and cure cancer without making the connection that smoking it is still quite bad and that it's the other compounds in pot that have therapeutic and cancer preventive effects...and it isn't the THC.

I do think it should be legalized, I think people should do as they please as long as they're not harming other people (2nd hand pot smoke...contact high?). I mean I can drink a bottle of wine and goof off without any recourse.

Anyway, I kind of went all out blog there and no not trying to come down on anyone or shame anyone. I think you've made a big step in improving your health and likewise take what I say for a grain of salt, the data isn't in and the stuff hasn't been on the market long enough for there to have been any long term and large scale studies done...so don't assume it is good or bad. I do recall that the e-cigarettes has stuff in it that caused pop corn lung which is pretty bad and I think irreversible.

Anyway, again, not trying offend you or anyone just my thoughts on the subject having smoked cigarettes, pot and even for a short time e-cigarettes too...

I don't always make the right choices or do healthy things but I do know that what I put into my body will either have a good effect or a bad one. Too much of anything is bad...too much water can kill you, although you'd have to drink crazy amounts or become dehydrated quickly and...well anyway, you get the idea. Put good stuff into your body, good foods, clean air, all leads to a better mental state and overall well being.

So that was unexpectedly longer than I thought this would be.
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
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Thanks for the input [MENTION=23180]InbetweenDreams[/MENTION]

It's true that there isn't really that much study done on vapes, but I do feel the difference and that's important enough for me.

Yes I still get nicotine in my body, but a pack of cigarettes that I smoked had 6mg nicotine and I started with 6mg vape, now I vape 3mg nicotine and I'm planning to go all the way to 0mg

But as long as my body still has the reflex to wanting to have a cig between my 2 fingers I think it's best to still stick with 3mg.

If they discover that vaping has a really bad result in long term I'd still accept it more than cigarettes, because I'm really satisfied with the results now.

Also I'm in a difficult situation at the moment, should I have quit cold turkey I would definitly went back to buying a pack of cigs. And then I'd feel like a real pussy (looking at [MENTION=24118]deephiance[/MENTION] ¬_¬) Smile

Congratulations on quitting the bad habbit! And being able to compete with triathlon!

In my dark days I used to smoke pot, but that I did quite cold turkey after smoking it for 3 years.

About weed, I don't believe it is healty, it could be true that it can cure a certain type of cancer but how can it be healty when you use tabak which causes cancer.. To me it's like you grab a spoon ratpoison mix it with an antidote and eat it...

[MENTION=20944]Ammon[/MENTION] I was a chronic pot smoker at various points over the nearly 10 years I had smoked it...meaning I would use it 3-4 times a day and it really messed my life up in my 20's basically. Not that I'm blaming anyone but myself here but because of that I bombed out of college, lost friends, continued to socially isolate myself and made me more anxious and depressed. I do think pot can help with those things but to an extent, people who use and use it heavily all the time will sooner or later not get the same effect. I personally think that my panic attacks I got were from the heavy use and other things....

Other things you can extract from marijuana can be put to use but yeah smoking it has way more tar and takes longer for your lungs to recover after smoking... Plus today's stuff is grown to be stronger... Hell I just seen something on Facebook about this new thing called "moonrocks" which are 51% THC...to compare the stuff the hippies were smoking had 1-3% THC...and the average in Colorado is 18% -- it's simply too much and I think the impacts on those who partake over the long term will pay the price... Not saying there aren't people with self control, take a couple hits off their pipe and go about their afternoon but many will sit there smoke up any time they can.

Anyway, my personal experience with smoking and quitting are that those around who smoke, do make it harder. It is hard to be around other people who smoke and stress makes it tough, particularly in the beginning to stay quit. However, at this point stress doesn't make me want to smoke anymore than having a big meal, sex (if ever lol)... I don't really get cravings anymore..although I can't say for sure what happened last winter... I think depression often leads people back to old bad habits... However, I quickly realized how shitty I felt overall and didn't take long for me to just feel drained and was able to knock it off quickly enough before I was right back into it. I told myself that if I keep on I will surely kill myself off this time. I have seen what smoking has done to my mom, she has had a hear attack (10 years ago now) and COPD and my dad is still smoking and it's slowly killing him, he's only going to be 60 and these last few years I can see a big difference in how tired he gets and just doesn't look good... Not looking forward to losing them but I know at some point it's going to happen and it's not going to be easy.

Anyway, don't know if you're religious, spiritual or an atheist but I do think we get one shot at life and the older I get more I realize my mortality. I know that the choices I make, how I eat, my emotional state and physical activity, genetics will determine how long I live and quality of life... If I am to live to be 85 I want to be able to wipe my own ass, not slumped over living in the confinements of a bed -- however there are many people who do, people who are born blind or deaf... Those are scary things, I can't imagine living being blind, not being able to see or hear and so on... Anyway, I kind of went all philosophical here and didn't mean to.

At any rate, do what you can, like I said in ym previous post, cold turkey don't work for everyone but there are times, not necessarily smoking, where you just have to cut the head off the snake.
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
Check out my stuff!

I have never smoked. I'm not gonna start on that or any of its substitutes. The only thing I'm ever gonna put in my mouth and suck on is cock.

And yeah, this is something for the 12-year-olds. The whole thing about electronic cigarettes is that its supposed to relieve and replace actual cigarettes' dominant image.

Big part of the reason why people smoke is because when they're still kids they associate smoking with rebellious attitudes and something done by the ''cool'' kids who antagonize teachers and parents (nothing wrong with the latter). They take it up because of that, and it becomes a habit for life. That association needs to be dismantled and destroyed. So anything weakening the social effect that cigarettes provide (this is what needs to be focused on more than health effects) is a good thing.
''Do I look civilized to you?''

meridannight Wrote:I have never smoked. I'm not gonna start on that or any of its substitutes. The only thing I'm ever gonna put in my mouth and suck on is cock.

And yeah, this is something for the 12-year-olds. The whole thing about electronic cigarettes is that its supposed to relieve and replace actual cigarettes' dominant image.

Big part of the reason why people smoke is because when they're still kids they associate smoking with rebellious attitudes and something done by the ''cool'' kids who antagonize teachers and parents (nothing wrong with the latter). They take it up because of that, and it becomes a habit for life. That association needs to be dismantled and destroyed. So anything weakening the social effect that cigarettes provide (this is what needs to be focused on more than health effects) is a good thing.

I think a lot of that is largely due to movies and TV, they produce the positive stigma... I mean hey John Travolta smoked cigarettes and he was a bad ass motherfucker in Pulp Fiction, or wait that was Samuel L. Jackson... Either way, subliminally, in movies, we're saying hey call the cool people smoke and they're all awesome. I mean those aren't necessarily literal thoughts but trust me, when it comes to tobacco or any industry, fast food is another one...get them while they're young because it is more likely they'll get sucked into a habit of buying cigarettes or stopping at McDonald'ss. What did we want all the time when we were kids? I wanna go to McDonald's to get a happy meal! Right? It's the whole association of rewards, I bet a lot of people get the same feeling when they pull into a McDonald's as an adult... just for a moment or two only to get a shite on a bun.

Now it is 2017 and look at how many movies either have product placement (all of them) or how many actors light up a cigarette at some point in the movie, quite a few....

Tell me they aren't targeting kids....

"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
Check out my stuff!

InbetweenDreams Wrote:I think a lot of that is largely due to movies and TV, they produce the positive stigma... I mean hey John Travolta smoked cigarettes and he was a bad ass motherfucker in Pulp Fiction, or wait that was Samuel L. Jackson... Either way, subliminally, in movies, we're saying hey call the cool people smoke and they're all awesome. I mean those aren't necessarily literal thoughts but trust me, when it comes to tobacco or any industry, fast food is another one...get them while they're young because it is more likely they'll get sucked into a habit of buying cigarettes or stopping at McDonald'ss. What did we want all the time when we were kids? I wanna go to McDonald's to get a happy meal! Right? It's the whole association of rewards, I bet a lot of people get the same feeling when they pull into a McDonald's as an adult... just for a moment or two only to get a shite on a bun.

Now it is 2017 and look at how many movies either have product placement (all of them) or how many actors light up a cigarette at some point in the movie, quite a few....

Tell me they aren't targeting kids....

You're very right. The movies play a big role in it, depending on what kind of an image they create. But I would like to mention how Hollywood has stopped (or at least reduced) depicting their ''positive'' characters (heroes, etc) using cigarettes in films in recent years. You have to really go looking for it to find one anymore. In the 90s, yes, the films were full of positive characters smoking every other screen exposure, like they were asking for lung cancer. Now, in 2017, they're more likely to use a positive character to show that smoking is bad, rather than have them smoke. I've seen it in several films/TV shows, and it's a really positive thing coming from Hollywood.

And yes, the tobacco industry is targeting kids. It's all about getting to them early. As they get older you're very unlikely to influence them anymore.
''Do I look civilized to you?''

meridannight Wrote:I have never smoked. I'm not gonna start on that or any of its substitutes. The only thing I'm ever gonna put in my mouth and suck on is cock.

And yeah, this is something for the 12-year-olds. The whole thing about electronic cigarettes is that its supposed to relieve and replace actual cigarettes' dominant image.

Big part of the reason why people smoke is because when they're still kids they associate smoking with rebellious attitudes and something done by the ''cool'' kids who antagonize teachers and parents (nothing wrong with the latter). They take it up because of that, and it becomes a habit for life. That association needs to be dismantled and destroyed. So anything weakening the social effect that cigarettes provide (this is what needs to be focused on more than health effects) is a good thing.

I wish it were that simple. You associate this with being a kid and wanting to be a rebel, but unfortunately then the addiction side kicks in and even a strong adult would have the greatest difficulty weaning themselves off this product. We studied the levels of toxicity and addictiveness of tobacco with a focus group and it is way further up the scale than many other addictive substances. No wonder so many people find it hard to quit.

meridannight Wrote:You're very right. The movies play a big role in it, depending on what kind of an image they create. But I would like to mention how Hollywood has stopped (or at least reduced) depicting their ''positive'' characters (heroes, etc) using cigarettes in films in recent years. You have to really go looking for it to find one anymore. In the 90s, yes, the films were full of positive characters smoking every other screen exposure, like they were asking for lung cancer. Now, in 2017, they're more likely to use a positive character to show that smoking is bad, rather than have them smoke. I've seen it in several films/TV shows, and it's a really positive thing coming from Hollywood.

And yes, the tobacco industry is targeting kids. It's all about getting to them early. As they get older you're very unlikely to influence them anymore.

Some cities have brought in bans on films depicting cigarettes or tobacco as a 'cool' element portrayed in the film. There was the case of Liverpool who decided not to show films like 101 Dalmatians to under-18s on account of the glamourization of cigarettes by Cruela DeVille. The only smoking characters they would allow were people who were renowned to be heavy smokers, like Winston Churchill.

I remember watching the series The Hour and it being full of cigarettes because that's what people did in the 1950s.
[Image: thehourlead.jpg?1360674044]

princealbertofb Wrote:I wish it were that simple. You associate this with being a kid and wanting to be a rebel, but unfortunately then the addiction side kicks in and even a strong adult would have the greatest difficulty weaning themselves off this product. We studied the levels of toxicity and addictiveness of tobacco with a focus group and it is way further up the scale than many other addictive substances. No wonder so many people find it hard to quit.

I didn't disagree with any of the above, and this was in my post in a very very subtle way.

It's just that often it starts with being a kid. People don't usually start smoking when they're 34. They do it when they're in high school or environs. And the fact that teachers and parents and other authority figures prohibit and strongly insist on smoking being ''bad'' (which it is), induces an opposite effect to what is desired -- it helps to make smoking look desirable to young people.

I'm hoping that we're past that -- that in the western world we've made it unambiguously clear that smoking isn't good that kids see it as a truth than as a limitation to their liberties and a way to set themselves against the world and authority figures (which they will do).
''Do I look civilized to you?''

For women, who have been targeted, it is probably more of a health decision that they'll make (quitting I mean) when they become pregnant. Otherwise, you are right [MENTION=21405]meridannight[/MENTION], they often just start it in their teenage years, sometimes a bit too early. Such is also the case of smoking pot. Apparently it does have a negative effect on the growing brain, and not so much of an effect once you are an adult.

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