Today is the day of my ex bf's daughter her communion.
I really don't want to go but his daughter litterly said after I asked her if it's really important for her that I should be present. "It's my most important communion so I would really want you to be there"
I haven't spoken my ex's family for 2 yrs, I really can't stand their hypocrisies and drama's.
But I said ok to his daughter, we planned to go to church where his racists ex wife is also going to be there and his family. Now he planned dinner afterwards for us and his family tonight! Tomorrow is also dinner and I agreed for because, tomorrow other people will be present for me to be able to mingle... But for tonight I really don't feel like it... My ex is telling me I'm being ridiculous, but he simply don't want to understand that (again) I'm alone and they are all together... And him knowing that I never did anything wrong for them to hate me.
Ugh, I really hate this situation! I feel sick to my stomach thinking about sitting at the table with all of his family.
I don't know what to do...
the are there for her...fuck everyone else and their drama. It will only affect you if you buy in to the family bullshit.
You are there for one person, and that person is the sole reason you are there.
Just go and stop being a fucking idiot. You will make 1 girl very happy on her communion.
I'm not talking about the church part!
I'm talking about the dinner..
And you have no idea what kind of shit they put me through..
How will his daughter feel if you don't show up for the dinner? It's her day, and if your absence is going to hurt or upset her., maybe you should just bite the bullet and go.
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Thye will probably be on their besst behavior for her. Just go and be polite nd get it over with. Make the daughter happy.
I bid NO Trump!
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05-06-2017, 06:35 PM
(Edited 05-06-2017, 06:40 PM by TigerLover.)
These people aren't part of your life. They're background noise, mere static so just tune them out.
Or just make your excuses and leave early.
Well I went to church, I smiled and faked I was happy to be there, his family sat two chairs from me and nobody said hello, except for his mother who threw me a smile back.. I didn't go to diner.
The daughter saw that I wasn't comfortable there and I asked her about going to diner without me and she said that she didn't mind but that she would want me tomorrow at her party, I'll be going tho, since I'll have my chef and his wife to talk to.
Her father treats me like I'm dead to him because I refuse to spend time with his family for diner, I honestly don't care, he brought these miserie upon himself with his loose tongue, talking trash about me behind my back telling every little details about my private stuff for more than 2 years, I call that karma. He simply wanted me to go so he should not have to explain why I wasn't there or maybe he wishes that everything would be back like they used too..
Well too bad, I turned my heart into stone.
After all they've put me through!
At first I truly believed them that I was in the wrong I had nobody from my side to listen to my story, but I see now that everything that happens now happened with his exes!
He once made me listen to a recorder of him arguing with his ex wife when they were still together. I was shocked, I told him these are the exact same arguments, the way you are yelling, the words, the insults, even the subject was the same! He still denied it..
If he wasn't this angry, negative type, he'd truly be my mister perfect, but I can't anymore, I'm tired it's like he sucked out all of my energy with all his negativity.
He is truly a good person, but not to me, I'm sure it's got to do with his parents who are still together but really hate eachother since he was little. His mother was an agressive drunk in his childhood she is not aggressive anymore but she still drinks too much and is always so negative, his dad cheated, my ex had a motorcycle accident and had a severe headinjury.. Oh his mother tried suicide when they were little...
And the list goes on...
But yeah, I'm done.
Sorry for the long post..
When are you planning to move on? If he's your ex, then close the book on him. Whatever relationship you manage to maintain with his children is uncertain no matter what.