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What's the Weirdest Food You've Ate?
That might not be too bad...

One thing I won't try... pickled eggs. That just sounds awful, they sell them in the store around here.
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
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Pickled eggs aren't that bad. What I found to be an acquired taste is kimchi. It's a Korean, spicy, pickled cabbage dish. It pairs nicely with Korean food. I like it on congee, which is a rice porridge.

I like seaweed salads too. I found it weird at first, but it had a nice flavor. I love seaweed in miso soup. It has this rich, at-home flavor.

Seaweed is one of the things I despise, that fish flavor gets to me. Another Japanese thing is salty cherries, which aren’t terrible, I just feel sorry about the cherries.

Germans have odd stuff too that might turn a foreigners stomach, like Saumagen, Leberwurst or Blutwurst.

Being gay is not for Sissies.

I have a friend from Taiwan, and we sometimes go out to eat with each other at a college dining hall that has a lot of different kinds of foods. I got hooked on authentic ramen and pho soups, and have always had a hard time going back to cup o'noodle. The different cuisines are all as authentic as they can be for being made in the USA. My friend still finds it not as good as it is back in Taiwan though. Whenever we go out, I often load up my plate with Asian food, and he loads up his plate with western food. It's always a running joke between us, because I find the Asian food at the college to be delicious but he doesn't, and he finds some of the western dishes good, but I don't. I'm only a little bit Italian, but the Italian food me and my family makes at home, or at least the Americanized Italian food, is way better than the food the college serves. Their pasta is just too cafeteria-like for me. I guess that's how he feels with the Asian food.

The one thing that will always be too weird for me is eyeballs. I like seafood but I can never eat fish and shrimp when the eyes are still attached. I don't like my food staring back at me!

Kimchi is good, it is a little spicy and homemade is by far the best. I have bought some at an Asian market but it wasn't as good.

I also like seaweed too....I often will get the seaweed salad.....

and @Chase nope, no eyeballs for me either.

@Bhp91126 Not sure about those German sausages...I do like bratwurst but I'm sure that's Americanized to some degree... I am nearby a German town, mostly a tourist trap but you can find some authentic German food there, although not sure about the blutwurst though lol
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
Check out my stuff!

I like trying new and weird foods. My taste buds are the only adventurous part of me. 

I've had crickets and grasshoppers in a few different styles, I used to get the flavored crickets from the science museum gift store every time I'd visit. Tripe, chicken feet, chicken hearts, pate, escargot, frog legs, fermented soy beans, sea urchin, scrapple, all kinds of fake meat... I've accidentally eaten moths and ants, and if I'm being honest with myself, definitely a cockroach too. I had a breast milk lolipop once, but I guess pretty much all of us have had breast milk in our lives, so maybe that doesn't count as weird. 

Probably the weirdest foods I've had though, or the ones that get the biggest reactions out of people, are balut or cuy. 

I didn't necessarily like all of the weird food I've eaten, or plan to ever eat some of it again. But I'll take a bite out of mostly anything that's offered to me.  

You guys don't want to be stranded on a desert island with me. My theoretical cannibal threshold is pretty low. 

That said, my typical diet is about 80% vegan.

Kimchi and seaweed don't even make it to my weird list lol

Two years ago, my boss returned from Geneva and she brought two boxes of dried insects. I was curious so I ate a handful of them. Crickets and mealworms, I think.

It was like eating papers.

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