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I think someone cursed me
So . . . I think I've gone crazy. Anyway . . .

I think someone put a curse on me. I'm being serious, bad luck at this point just doesn't explain the Hell my life is spiraling into at the moment. 

I don't want to go into the specifics, I just want to know how to reverse the curse. I've never done magic before, and never really believed in it, until now. What am I supposed to do? Are there special charms and talismans I'm supposed to use? What gods or spirits do I pray to? Help!!!!!!!!!

(08-04-2020, 10:40 PM)Anonymous Wrote: I don't want to go into the specifics, I just want to know how to reverse the curse. I've never done magic before, and never really believed in it, until now. What am I supposed to do? Are there special charms and talismans I'm supposed to use? What gods or spirits do I pray to? Help!!!!!!!!!

I bolded the text above, because like you stated, I don't believe that you can curse someone.

That being said, if you truly believe that a curse has been placed on you, my suggestions would be that perhaps you contact a local church, and ask to speak to a priest.  Explain what is happening, and ask if a blessing is possible.

I wouldn't suggest trying anything magical yourself.  If you feel you need to go that route, you should search the 'net for local new age stores, for Wiccan practitioners, just make sure they are reputable.
[Image: 51806835273_f5b3daba19_t.jpg]  <<< It's mine!

Curses are bullshit. We all go through bad times in our life, it's natural. Nothing paranormal about it. Instead of focusing on total nonsense, better focus on what you can actually do to make you life better.
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(08-05-2020, 03:24 PM)Tjemka88 Wrote: Curses are bullshit. We all go through bad times in our life, it's natural. Nothing paranormal about it. Instead of focusing on total nonsense, better focus on what you can actually do to make you life better.

A lot of people believe in all sorts of different things. While I personally don't believe in curses in the sense that the OP has framed it, I do try to respect others' beliefs...even if I think it is silly. I do think a lot of people don't understand what is meant by magic, what spells really are....too much TV and pop culture has got in the way.

That, being said @Anonymous do you believe in magic? Do you believe in curses and spells and things of that sort? If you don't then I don't suggest doing magic or trying to cast spells. It wouldn't make much sense for me to pray to a God or some deity that I don't believe in, just as I wouldn't practice any magic or spells if I don't think any of that is real. As suggested, if you practice an organized religion then speaking to a priest, pastor or someone along those lines.

Why do you believe someone has put a curse on you? I think that is important to dive into...the details are important if you ask me.
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
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Here's what I'm getting at... Why do you conclude that you have been cursed? Things like prayer, spells, karma, curses and so on often don't work like we think. People often wonder why prayers are unanswered and so on and so people wishing bad things to others well often doesn't work and people do often run into bad luck....just out of sheer bad luck.

I follow a couple of Wiccan and Pagan Facebook pages and so on. I see two general groups, people who think anything good or bad that happens is because they didn't do a ritual, a prayer, a spell, needed crystals, burn sage and so on. Others see those things as being something different.

Think of it like this. A prayer is like asking the universe (or God(s/es/esses)) for something. A spell is telling the universe what you want. That being said, it doesn't mean you will get what you want and so why should it be any different for someone who is seeking to put a curse, spell, or prayer on to you? Sometimes bad luck is just that, other time we unknowingly do things to ourselves that pushes us into places where we don't want. Kind of like the butterfly effect.... At any rate without knowing more than what your suspicions are I can't really remark on what might be going on. I'm open to a lot of things and happy to discuss in PM's if preferred. However, my gut feeling is that you are not under a curse or spell but I am not dismissing that due to my personal beliefs.

I do think that we should be mindful and respectful of other religions and spiritual paths just as we all are on LGBTQ issues. There are many Christians, Atheists , Buddhists, Pagans, Wiccans and those who aren't even sure. There's a wide range on things people may or may not believe and easy for anyone to dismiss something as being nonsense.
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
Check out my stuff!

Much as I like to read magic and fantasy fiction I see no evidence of it in real life. My thinking is that things happen. Sometimes awesome things and sometimes awful things. Sometimes we are part of the cause, sometimes it is is other people, or circumstances or something completely out of the blue. As humans we are programmed to make sense of the world by identifying patterns and that is where I see there being an opening for belief in the supernatural.

I have had some years where one catastrophe after another has happened. I'm sure we all get years like that. I have never felt that any of the bad stuff was induced by magical forces though. I suppose we are able to avoid taking any action if we can blame someone or something else.

If I had any advice I would suggest you take it easy and don't look for reasons why. Just deal with each event as best you can. I certainly wouldn't advise going to someone who claims to have the answers (and that includes me!!!). If it helps, maybe get some talking therapy. Often we often already know within ourselves what's what and a counsellor can help you talk your way through that. If you want to explore within a little have you considered meditation?

The curse of the shriveled penis is indeed a perplexing curse.

I strongly recommend immediately creating a circle of sexual awakening by sprinkling baby oil, Magnum XL condoms, and poppers in a large circumference around yourself. Then, you must take off all of your clothes while you lay prostate within the circle and wait for the blessings of the Grindr gods to enter you and free you from the damnation of a shriveled penis.

This may not be enough though to free you from the fiendish grip of Hell's Tinydick. You will need the full strength of your GaySpeak brethren to help you.

What do the GaySpeak brethren say??

(08-08-2020, 03:00 AM)JoelR Wrote: The curse of the shriveled penis is indeed a perplexing curse. 

I strongly recommend immediately creating a circle of sexual awakening by sprinkling baby oil, Magnum XL condoms, ...
What do the GaySpeak brethren say??

Magnum XL condoms are very intimidating?

I would add carrots and eggplants to the circle.

It would also be advisable to cast spells of independenced, informing the curse that it has nopower over you. This is accomplished simply by being what the curse does not want you to be. If you are cursed to be alone then rejoice in crowds. If gray days afflict you then declare a holiday and smile to your heart's content.
I bid NO Trump!

Throw some salt over your shoulder and get out of the other side of the bed tomorrow.
Gossip is the Devil’s telephone; best just to hang up.

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