07-19-2007, 03:00 AM
hey guys. Seeing as theres a pretty big lack of gay people in my area it would be good to get to know some of you as being 17 it seems to be an awkward age of not knowing where to find people without admitting the truth to friends or have them asking questions. From that you can probably guess i haven't come out to many people yet lol. But yer its working progress... Im hugely into me music and write and perform songs on piano and guitar and whatever i can get me hands on basically lol. Rock is me favourite, but i also love musical soundtracks (annoyingly fitting stereotypes lol). saw Wicked and Lord of the Rings musicals recently and theyr amazing! but you haven't seen anything until you've seen Rent. Something that can give a lot of inspiration to live life the way you want to and keep the friends you love close to you. Anyways enough of that dribble. im a generally nice guy who i think has a good sense of humour and im lookin forward to talkin to some of you if you reply about anything.
well cheers for reading and sorry if you fell asleep
craig Xx
well cheers for reading and sorry if you fell asleep
craig Xx