Yes all, that was cap locks at work!
My name is Cooper, I'm seventeen and I dunno what to say really. I suck at these things xD
Uhm yeah, have questions? I'm good at answering those!
Well, never mind. I am sure there would be plenty here who don't mind people who suck :redface:
hi mate,, Marshlander your naughty :biggrin: , but funny
wow - im starting to feel real old on here now at 24, everyone is young
Posts: 4,192
Threads: 73
Joined: Jun 2007
Mood: None
Allo Cooper! Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy!
As I've said in one thread somewhere.. Cooper is a name I've not heard of for a first name! Is it common over where you are or?
And how are you?
What made you sign up?
(Thought I would give you some questions to try and help you out

[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
Well I'm in a pretty good mood, about to go out to breakfast with my dad and siblings, and I found the site searching on google cause I was bored last night (I really should have made the story more dramatic, like I have some huge life problem) and then I was like "this place doesn't look to dull" and registered. Thus far, it's not all that dull!
And Rhinetown (what i call it) is in Wisconsin, so pretty much everyone here is German or Polish (German ftw!) and it's a really little town stuck in the middle of freakin' nowhere. I have to drive three hours to get even decent shopping (wow, that was really stereotypical) but seriously, not even cool. Especially when your mother is kinda a bitch about things like that, but I guess it's cool.
And i'm seventeen which means I'm only a year away from being a grown up here (which sucks) and I'm slightly politically obsessed. Like super obsessed. I'm a liberal but I don't like Obama (don't dislike him and he's a million times better than what we used to have) but he's a bit of a flip flopper and I'm kinda like...really?
Anyway, I hope ya'll are as fun as you seem to be!
For the old people, guys are old enough to be my parents (42 and 41) but I love you all the same (probably)
Dude welcome,
They are a great bunch of guys here btw!! Come in for a chat sometime.
You will get on better with most of us if you dont care about spelling lol!!!
And matty......old??? We are not old dude........... or are we :O
Barry Fae Scotland. xx