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Where Do You Meet Other Teens
Hello all, I was to lazy to search the forums in case this thread is already up but as a teenager, where do I find a boyfriend because I could do with a hug =(

What other social circles do you move in? You may not want to find a boyfriend from your own school, but there are going to be plenty of other young gay men in the Sydney area.

Maybe one of these youth groups in your area might interest you?

O_o wow you done the searching for me, thanks ^_^

Hope one of the links proves useful. Most of them seem to kick in at an older age, but they may have contacts with others who are younger.

Good luck.

Yeah I'm on the same page as you. Except I like guys who are older than me.

I'm totally with you. I need some way other that just meet and greet in my school. All the gay guys in my school save me (hopefully Wink ) are either taken or jerks with a reputation for messing around behind your back-found that out the hard way after moving here... I need a little bit bigger of a group....

I know a way to meet other teens. There are youth groups just for us.
I got to one way down here in my home town. but there aren't many guys there. Mostly chicks.

Yea it is hard finding a bf cause u never dont always know if they are gay and where to look for these people. I always use the internet gay chat sites but sometimes there is not that great of people in there.

Not to put a dullard on it, its incredibly hard i think. You used to be able to tell if someone was gay by the way they did there hair Tongue But so many guys dress and style themselves that its impossible to tell. Hell even my local gay bars and club sometimes have more straight men in them than gay!!! I hope Marshes link helps you !

yeah, youth groups are a great way to meet people if theres no one in your school your relatable to Smile

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