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Hello everyone!
I did take some classes in Psychology,I took one called social psychology and another one that talks about how psychology effects education. The social psychology class was a very intersting one. In addition,in order to practice education,as a teacher or pedagogical advisor you have to take quite a few classes in psychology during your degree.

As for our school hours,well,that depends on which school-for example,in most elementary schools a school day is about 4-5 hours,maby 6 but no more than that. In high school,that depends which class you are on-In junior high school day is basically 6-7 hours,some days a little less,some days a little more. In the higher classes a school day can even last until the evening,again that depends on which days. I remember when I was in twelve grade there were at least 3 days a week that I was in school for about 9 hours,some days 10.

And yea,the salary is that bad here,we have tons of strikes. Every school year begins with a teachers strike and university strikes. Now,when I was in school strikes were fun,that meant we have more free time,but when I got to the university,I realized that strikes are a very bad thing-because when the strike ended,we had to study even more to complete all the material we didn't learn during the strike :biggrin: .

Unfortunately strikes are inconvenient for teachers too. In most education systems there is too much work with too little time to complete it. Often the problem of excessive teacher workload is exacerbated by inefficient management :mad: A teacher will usually be expected to make up the work lost through strike action although it may not be explicitly demanded where unions are strong enough.

Of course not all the figures refer to equal conditions of service, but here is an attempt to put salaries in perspective in a 2006 study. You'll need to scroll to page 11 for the figures, although Israel isn't listed.

Hey Ori,
A big welcome to this website, it is indeed full of friendly people =) It's soo cool you're studying education to become a teacher, hope to get to know you better in the next posts =)

Shalom, Ori, and Welcome to GaySpeak... I too am in education (but I've been working in the profession for a long time now). All for now, will read up on you later. Wavey PA

Hi guys,nice to meet you,and thanks for the warm welcome Confusedmile: . I too hope to get to know you better Spiny . I guess it is kinda cool becoming a teacher,and it's a more important job than most people give it credit for. I have to admit,people in this site are so kind,friendly and welcoming,it's so different from Israeli gay forums. Everything there is just about sex,sex,and even more sex... A forum like this one reminds me what a wonderful community we have,and that not everything about it has to be about sex. I'm really glad I joined the forum Confusedmile: .

A little bit more about our education system-as I previously mentioned,we have a lot of strikes here. I also have to agree that in most cases these strikes,even if they're justified (and in most cases they are),usually cause more harm than good for all sides involved,students and teachers alike. Issues such as teachers workload and bad employment conditions are usually the result of inefficient management. It doesn't matter where you live or even what you do for a living,you need a union to look after you and protect your rights,and it better be a strong one.

:biggrin: This isn't really sleazy so you shouldn't have everyone after you for sex sex sex!!! Unless their name is Cardshark :l

But nah you should enjoy it! :biggrin: So what was the thing that made you go wow I am A FUTURE TEACHER!!! Like you mentioned the power of education but did something just make you think woah!
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.

Twazzle Wrote::biggrin: This isn't really sleazy so you shouldn't have everyone after you for sex sex sex!!! Unless their name is Cardshark :l

But nah you should enjoy it! :biggrin: So what was the thing that made you go wow I am A FUTURE TEACHER!!! Like you mentioned the power of education but did something just make you think woah!

Lol. Well,it took quite some time to get that wow point,I can say that much. They say that a lot of people wanting to become teachers are usually inspired by one or more teachers they had when they were in school,you know,kinda like a row model of what a teacher should be like. Even so,I don't think that was the case with me-I didn't really like any of my teachers,simply because a lot of them just didn't know how to teach,and many of them didn't even care about the students,just about their grades (and wanting to prove they're good teachers). Either that or they didn't even know the subject they were supposed to teach :tongue: .

I guess the "wow" part,as you called it,was wanting to make a difference,and I felt I can also make a difference in education. Let me put it that way-just think where exactly our society would be if it weren't for education. Education is not just about going to school or university every day,and studying Algebra or Literature,education means knowledge,discipline,values. A teacher's job is,or at least should be (the way I see it) more than just teaching Algebra or whatever and having to check tests. He/she should realize that these students are the generation of tomorrow,some of them are going to become business men or doctors,and who knows,a future politician or even a future prime minister just might come out of your class :biggrin: . But in order to succeed out there they need tools and knowledge,and the schools play a very big part in transffering this knowledge.

Is a nice way of thinking Rolleyes And im sure the education system will simply benefit with input like that coming from staff Rolleyes When do you complete your training and get let onto the kids!! Also what age range do you want to teach? :biggrin:
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.

Twazzle Wrote:Is a nice way of thinking Rolleyes And im sure the education system will simply benefit with input like that coming from staff Rolleyes When do you complete your training and get let onto the kids!! Also what age range do you want to teach? :biggrin:

Lol,thanks :biggrin: . Well,first I have to finish my degree,which would take about 3-3.5 years,since I'm only in the first year,and then I have to get training,which takes about another six months to a year to complete. But,when finally all of that would be behind me I'd like to be a high-school teacher.

Ori Wrote:Lol,thanks :biggrin: . Well,first I have to finish my degree,which would take about 3-3.5 years,since I'm only in the first year,and then I have to get training,which takes about another six months to a year to complete. But,when finally all of that would be behind me I'd like to be a high-school teacher.

Ah thats pretty cool! Good luck with it Rolleyes Anyway as I've questioned you so much feel free to ask me anything :biggrin: ! Oh btw.. Do you want to stay where you are or move? :biggrin:
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.

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