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Grump grump moan
I need to vent. This seems to be generally what I use this forum for, and for that I apologise; however this is one of the few places I can vent without risk of upsetting someone.

I left my old job, the one with the 70,0000 hours a week, for a new trainign job where I could get some more qualifications. I am now thoroughly bored and even more skint. My qualifications seem as far away as ever and did I mention how bored I am?

At the new job I managed to make a rather large whoopsie a few weeks back by getting extremely drunk and sleeping with a (supposedly straight) girl who I work with. I don't really like her, at all, and I'm not out to any of my work colleagues so that sort of hangs over me (on the plus side it hangs over her as well!). Oh, and to add insult to injury the bitch bit me (apparently that counts as foreplay in her twisted little mind) and I ended up on antibiotics for it!!

I have an incredibly overwhelming crush on a straight guy I work with (henceforth known as TSG - the straight guy - due to the pure novelty of actually knowing someone straight!!). I cannot stop thinking about him, sometimes in extremely innapropriate places at very innapropriate times!! He is a really nice guy and we are pretty good friends but I have tried to push it further twice and have been met with firstly 'I can't even think about a relationship at the moment' and 'I'm just not there yet'. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?????? If he'd told me I was a minger but thanks for trying I could understand. Does anyone out there speak straight?? On the pluss side he has been well and truly decent about me being rather forward (and once, rather drunkenly so!) and it hasn't changed our working or friend relationship at all so far as I can tell. Xyxthumbs

I haven't managed to ride side saddle (my current 'big thing') or go to London or see most of my best friends for over 4 months now :frown: and this week I am a glorified babysitter with kids galore coming for 'Pony Week' where their parents dump them on me for 4 days.

I'm still wrestling with the issue of coming out. I still amintain that I have no need or wish to come out to my parents untill/unless I meet a woman with whom I become seriously involved. However not being out at work is starting to frustrate me somewhat but I am not sure how well it would go down (for example an overheard conversation between 2 colleagues about a woman they had met the night before, 'you do know she's into women don't you?' 'Eugh thats disgusting, I thought she was a bit too friendly'). I know I don't like the job but it is a necessary evil for the qulaifications at the moment so don't really want to alienate workmates!

So, there is my grump and moan. If you made it this far please have a pat on the back/wine/JD/cookies/hagen dazs/whatever suits! I feel a little better for having written this down and now I'm off to give my pillow some head and my duvet some ass.

Oh dear, BiPenny Bighug

Sounds awful.

On antibiotics after the bitch bit you? You really shouldn't take a dog to bed :eek:

Hope things level out soon. Get those qualifications and get the hell out of there.

Good luck.

I say you start a video diary. You could become the next cult hit.

On a more serious note, patience an fortitude will set you in very good stead. Better to be in a job you hate with a better goal to work towards than bitten by the recession or living in Felixstowe or something... Looking on the bright side makes you feel all virtuous and wonderful Wink

Or just do what i do with the people i hate at work and when you have to deal with them just picture her being tied to the back of a motorbike and dragged round and round a carpark by a gang of neds. Perhaps she's begging for mercy and they laugh and kick grit in her eyes. Now she's crying silently and tears are stinging her face.

Makes you feel much better Confusedmile:

:eek: Scared :eek:

Lol, thanks for the cheer up guys!!! I feel like an ungrateful little cow as I moaned about my last job like hell too!! Plus as sox said there are many worse off than me.

Marsh the dog comparison had crossed my mind. Believe me there was an awful lot of wine involved and it was preceeded by a rather loooooooooong dry spell. Justifying myself? Never!!

Hi Bi-Penny, as far as speaking straight just kinda sounds like he has been thru a bad experiance and is still adjusting. As far as the rest, hey everyone does that at some time or another, get your better qualifications then move to a new job that will give you better qualifications. Would it cheer you up to know that I love my straight friend and he knows it, have a great day, Jim
[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRz-Six7p24KDjrx1F_V...A&usqp=CAU]

Lol, Jim... Hope things are looking up for you BiPenny... As you know every cloud has a silver lining (and a hell of a lot of drops (pity it can't be booze, eh?))
Sox's comments are to the point and funnily true... Bravo, Sox, for your astute recommendations Wink
All the best, Penny... xxx

Opts for the JD and whatever suits :tongue:

As far as the whole coming out thing goes... what was one of your recent FB status'? (hint: looks down at my sig). You can be totally yourself in London which is what it sounds like you started doing on that drunken night with the biting bitch. BUT, if you really think it's gonna cause hassles at work then there's no point in it especially since you're not planning to stay there permanently. Only come out when you feel you are ready to and to whom you are comfortable coming out to!! (C'mon, you know this part of the spiel already m'luv!! Confusedmile: )

The TSG (who, for the benefit of everyone else here.. looks not bad at all!! Wink ), there's the other stuff he said as well... but it does just sound like he's not after a relationship at the mo... I wouldn't read too far into it. You ain't a minger... and I'm not being biased!

Really hope you get to come back to London soon though... I misses chu!!! xxx

wouldlikemuscle Wrote:Only come out when you feel you are ready to and to whom you are comfortable coming out to!! (C'mon, you know this part of the spiel already m'luv!! Confusedmile: )

The TSG (who, for the benefit of everyone else here.. looks not bad at all!! Wink ),

Really hope you get to come back to London soon though... I misses chu!!! xxx

From the bottom to the top (I know you like bottom first michael, well, only, but hey, work with me here)

I miss you too, I think a lot of this rant could have been averted with a decent trip to London to see everyone but tonsilitis and pig flu put a halt to that Sad

I'm honoured that you think that but now reconsidering allowing you to meet TSG, just in case!! Lol.

And I know I know I know but every so often I get a guilty conscience, especially as I am so open and forthcoming (everyone please read 'gobby and opinionated') in the rest of my life it irritates me that I can't be that here too.


Now just coz I said he's not bad doesn't mean I'd try to bed him!! lol

I also, won't disagree on your definition of forthcoming Wink

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