08-17-2009, 11:26 PM
ufft oh my god, i knew i should have taken claire to meet him with me, shes a good looking lassie and he told me that whcich is fine and then today he goes;
michael; says:
[SIZE=5]*claires hott :|
[SIZE=5]*so av been told :L
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]michael; says:
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]michael; says:
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]*is she single? *-)
[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=5][SIZE=5] [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=5][SIZE=5] says:[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]*yehh but she dunt wnat nuffin shes lookin for fun :L
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]michael; says:
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]*s'what im lookin for xD[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]sorry about the change in sizes and stuff but i just copyed it, but what a question to ask, that annoyed me
michael; says:
[SIZE=5]*claires hott :|

[SIZE=5]*so av been told :L
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]michael; says:
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]michael; says:
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]*is she single? *-)

[SIZE=5]*yehh but she dunt wnat nuffin shes lookin for fun :L
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]michael; says:
[/SIZE][SIZE=5]*s'what im lookin for xD[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]sorry about the change in sizes and stuff but i just copyed it, but what a question to ask, that annoyed me