05-05-2011, 03:23 AM
I'm merely just thinking with my fingers on this one... I noticed a lot of other gay guys have female friends as their primary companions. I always thought this to be sort of odd but now I realize it's a pretty good idea.
I fall into the "butch" category... I do a lot of "manly" things and with that I get nothing but straight guy friends that do the same stuff I do... I haven't had any luck when it comes to relationships, Both my ex's were BI... But they started off as being my best friend(s).
First one Omar, Best friend since our teens... I was in the closet and he just so happened to be Bi. We did things
. But it ruined our friendship when things started to get sour.
2nd Alex "C"... We were best friends for a year before we got together, He knew I was gay and when I started advancing at him slyly he didn't attest to it and added to it. So it kinda just happened. So we never had a set date when we became BF/BF because it just happened over time... It ended badly, A text message when he started ignoring me for 2 weeks and I was trying to see him. "you don't f*cking get it, I don't want you anymore!"... Were no longer friends.
But with those two, We don't have animosity towards each other. I see Alex "C" around town because we work in the same city and he lives just blocks from my office... When we pass we don't talk sh*t or give dirty looks, It's more a glance with a blank expression then continue on our ways.
Now... For two years, I made this new "friend" another Alex that I met through Alex "C". I know he's straight. We became good friends once my ex left and soon became best friends. He has a key to my house and when he needs something or something happens I am the first one he calls... He called yesterday about the time he would get off work to tell me that he got laid off again, So I sat there in traffic talking to him (bluetooth in the car) for about 45 minutes about him planning to do better then what he did and so on. You know, Being encouraging... We are both avid car enthusiasts and the way we communicate is similar to those 2 Puerto Rican guys in the fast and furious... We just "cap" on eachother constantly. We will be playing a game online (PS3) and would just go back and fourth, Everyone else listening would laugh... We've had people tell us we act like were either married or are really close brothers (apparently we even look a little a like?).
Pretty much we have a good friend ship going... Saturday-Sunday I brought him with me to my child hood best friends bachelor party, Everything went well. Then sunday we spent another entire day together after coming back from the bachelor party, we went to a car show and met with another friend, then out to dinner and then to see fast five (movie).
But last night, After I was encouraging him he was talking about going halves on me with buying a car needing some work and fixing it and selling it for a profit (were both mechanically inclined)... I told him, I'll get back to him later. Several hours later, While I'm driving to the store he calls me. I know him well enough to know when he's feeling a bit down, So I ask him what is wrong... He says his mom got on him for drinking something like 12 beers and not being able to go to his friends brothers birthday because he's been drinking and that he didn't eat anything that day. So I turned the BMW around and told him, I'll go help him out since I was going to get food too. He didn't say he wanted me to when I asked but I can hear it in his voice.
I drove from Tracy to San Jose at 10PM... He really was drunk, Since my BMW is all black with tinted windows all around and he was playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops while drunk he wanted to pretend to be doing a mission... So he requested I creep up the street and park several houses down, "Blacked out" (lights off)... Ok. He sneaks out through his backyard and I can see him in my mirror running down the street in a zig zag. He gets in the car out of breath and screams "EVASIVE MANEUVER!" or something like that... Humoring him, I threw the car into gear and took off in a ploom of dust and tire smoke turning on the lights after I turned the corner (Were retards)... We pull up to a bar called the fire house and our friend and his brother is there with other people... All are drunk, I go grab myself a corona... And just sit back with everyone, Alex gets into a heated debate with the drunk brother about AT&T vs Verizon, So I sat up and put my attention on reading body language just in case the brother was going to throw a punch because I don't know him and he looked to be getting mad.
After a while we migrated to another bar next door for beer pong... Alot more random people there, We stood around and egged "Friends" on in beer pong and I noticed Alex went to talk to some older girl, She must of been in her 50s with a REALLY short dress, with a feather thing in her hair. her body language was telling me she had a lot to drink and would sleep with anyone, But she was married... But she kept giving me and Alex a look i'm all to familiar with, She tried talking to me but i'm not interested... But I noticed.
I'm getting jealous of this lady. After a while Alex gets into another heated debate with one of our friends' friends... Alex is very simple minded, This girl is a bit more intelligent and it turned into a argument over who is smarter. Alex ended up turning away 4 feet from her to talk about how he hates stuck up educated girls... She heard him and when he noticed she was making eye contact with him he ran off to the bar. I stood behind, And the girl told me he can talk all the crap he wants but if he tries again she's going to "knock him out". I don't know how I did it but I talked her to calming down and told her that he's just really drunk right now, he just lost his job and got dumped by his GF a few weeks ago so he's been pretty zombified all day and is just now letting loose, Maybe a little to much but for you. You can argue with a ignorant person but they will not change, and all you will be doing is wasting your time so in the end you lose.
I became friends with her, We talked the rest of the time at the bar... Upon leaving it became apparent that Alex had drank way to much, He was acting like a playfully violent kid... Not towards me but towards our friend Curtis. Alex got in the back seat next to the birthday boy and Alex begins slapping curtis' head (who is in the front seat), Their wrestling about while Curtis is getting annoyed trying to get him to stop. I yelled and that did nothing, We ended up sitting there in the parking lot for 5 minutes until he calmed down enough... Once I got out of the parking lot, he started again. A cop pulled next to us, looked at us with arms flailing everywhere in the car and me yelling to knock it off before they break something in my car. I think the cop laughed and went on his way...
We pull up to drop off the friend Curtis and his brother, Alex gets out and he starts ramming curtis with his head. Curtis is already pissed off and I can pick up that vibe that Curtis is about to lay the smack down, Alex is quite a bit smaller then Curtis. So I got out, Blocked Alex from ramming Curtis and over powered him back into the car.
We get going and i'm trying to talk him into eating something, Like a restaurant... My treat. He doesn't want to... But he wants me to go because I pointed out one of the big reasons i came down was so we can eat, That it was now 3AM and I had still yet to eat anything that day. I made him feel bad but he still didn't want to go. So I dropped him off... Where I got out to take off my leather jacket, and he runs up and gives me a hug and a little hump on my leg. I watched him walk into the house before turning around and leaving.
On the way home... I realized. I'm falling in love with him... Like I did the last two. It started off the same way, I would go way out of my way to take care of them, I would make sure they didn't get their asses kicked and I was always there when they needed me.
When Alex's trucks were both broken down, I offered to pick him up at his house at 5AM and drive him to work then take him back home when he got off... Its 45 miles+ one way, so 90+ miles in bay area traffic... When his old truck broke down, he needed a certain tool and i drove down there to help him out... No less, I pretty much show that I "care" about him.
Alex acts "gayer" then me most of the time, Before he would grab my "stuff", Ass or boobies and laugh at it, Because I was uncomfortable with getting felt up... But after awhile I got used to it and started doing it back, He doesn't really fight it... it's like a game all younger sexually comfortable guys are doing now, To see who the first one to get creeped out is... Before it was me, Now it's Alex because if he doesn't get creeped out and runs off I'll go far... There were times, where he found my fuse box for my house in my garage and turned everything off. I couldn't see so I was trying to get him to turn the switches back on, In doing so I started rubbing him... I started rubbing his stomach, chest, ass at first but he wouldn't budge so I started rubbing his crotch and he still wouldn't budge... Finally I said f*ck it and he just bust up laughing and turned them back on... I've seen him naked before, At one point he dragged me to the bathroom to see how much "bigger" i am then him. He was quite "small"...
It sucks when you know you're falling for your best friend but you cannot help it... There won't be an "us" and if I try for it, It will fail and it will destroy our friendship. But you cannot pick and choose who you fall for.
Cliffs: I'm falling for a best friend i've had for about 2 years now... I've began to get protective of him, caring alot more about his well being and get jealous when he hits on girls in front of me... But I cannot do anything about it, We have a great friendship, Were always there for eachother and if I try anything to get "what i want" it will just ruin what we already have. It sucks.
I fall into the "butch" category... I do a lot of "manly" things and with that I get nothing but straight guy friends that do the same stuff I do... I haven't had any luck when it comes to relationships, Both my ex's were BI... But they started off as being my best friend(s).
First one Omar, Best friend since our teens... I was in the closet and he just so happened to be Bi. We did things

2nd Alex "C"... We were best friends for a year before we got together, He knew I was gay and when I started advancing at him slyly he didn't attest to it and added to it. So it kinda just happened. So we never had a set date when we became BF/BF because it just happened over time... It ended badly, A text message when he started ignoring me for 2 weeks and I was trying to see him. "you don't f*cking get it, I don't want you anymore!"... Were no longer friends.
But with those two, We don't have animosity towards each other. I see Alex "C" around town because we work in the same city and he lives just blocks from my office... When we pass we don't talk sh*t or give dirty looks, It's more a glance with a blank expression then continue on our ways.
Now... For two years, I made this new "friend" another Alex that I met through Alex "C". I know he's straight. We became good friends once my ex left and soon became best friends. He has a key to my house and when he needs something or something happens I am the first one he calls... He called yesterday about the time he would get off work to tell me that he got laid off again, So I sat there in traffic talking to him (bluetooth in the car) for about 45 minutes about him planning to do better then what he did and so on. You know, Being encouraging... We are both avid car enthusiasts and the way we communicate is similar to those 2 Puerto Rican guys in the fast and furious... We just "cap" on eachother constantly. We will be playing a game online (PS3) and would just go back and fourth, Everyone else listening would laugh... We've had people tell us we act like were either married or are really close brothers (apparently we even look a little a like?).
Pretty much we have a good friend ship going... Saturday-Sunday I brought him with me to my child hood best friends bachelor party, Everything went well. Then sunday we spent another entire day together after coming back from the bachelor party, we went to a car show and met with another friend, then out to dinner and then to see fast five (movie).
But last night, After I was encouraging him he was talking about going halves on me with buying a car needing some work and fixing it and selling it for a profit (were both mechanically inclined)... I told him, I'll get back to him later. Several hours later, While I'm driving to the store he calls me. I know him well enough to know when he's feeling a bit down, So I ask him what is wrong... He says his mom got on him for drinking something like 12 beers and not being able to go to his friends brothers birthday because he's been drinking and that he didn't eat anything that day. So I turned the BMW around and told him, I'll go help him out since I was going to get food too. He didn't say he wanted me to when I asked but I can hear it in his voice.
I drove from Tracy to San Jose at 10PM... He really was drunk, Since my BMW is all black with tinted windows all around and he was playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops while drunk he wanted to pretend to be doing a mission... So he requested I creep up the street and park several houses down, "Blacked out" (lights off)... Ok. He sneaks out through his backyard and I can see him in my mirror running down the street in a zig zag. He gets in the car out of breath and screams "EVASIVE MANEUVER!" or something like that... Humoring him, I threw the car into gear and took off in a ploom of dust and tire smoke turning on the lights after I turned the corner (Were retards)... We pull up to a bar called the fire house and our friend and his brother is there with other people... All are drunk, I go grab myself a corona... And just sit back with everyone, Alex gets into a heated debate with the drunk brother about AT&T vs Verizon, So I sat up and put my attention on reading body language just in case the brother was going to throw a punch because I don't know him and he looked to be getting mad.
After a while we migrated to another bar next door for beer pong... Alot more random people there, We stood around and egged "Friends" on in beer pong and I noticed Alex went to talk to some older girl, She must of been in her 50s with a REALLY short dress, with a feather thing in her hair. her body language was telling me she had a lot to drink and would sleep with anyone, But she was married... But she kept giving me and Alex a look i'm all to familiar with, She tried talking to me but i'm not interested... But I noticed.
I'm getting jealous of this lady. After a while Alex gets into another heated debate with one of our friends' friends... Alex is very simple minded, This girl is a bit more intelligent and it turned into a argument over who is smarter. Alex ended up turning away 4 feet from her to talk about how he hates stuck up educated girls... She heard him and when he noticed she was making eye contact with him he ran off to the bar. I stood behind, And the girl told me he can talk all the crap he wants but if he tries again she's going to "knock him out". I don't know how I did it but I talked her to calming down and told her that he's just really drunk right now, he just lost his job and got dumped by his GF a few weeks ago so he's been pretty zombified all day and is just now letting loose, Maybe a little to much but for you. You can argue with a ignorant person but they will not change, and all you will be doing is wasting your time so in the end you lose.
I became friends with her, We talked the rest of the time at the bar... Upon leaving it became apparent that Alex had drank way to much, He was acting like a playfully violent kid... Not towards me but towards our friend Curtis. Alex got in the back seat next to the birthday boy and Alex begins slapping curtis' head (who is in the front seat), Their wrestling about while Curtis is getting annoyed trying to get him to stop. I yelled and that did nothing, We ended up sitting there in the parking lot for 5 minutes until he calmed down enough... Once I got out of the parking lot, he started again. A cop pulled next to us, looked at us with arms flailing everywhere in the car and me yelling to knock it off before they break something in my car. I think the cop laughed and went on his way...
We pull up to drop off the friend Curtis and his brother, Alex gets out and he starts ramming curtis with his head. Curtis is already pissed off and I can pick up that vibe that Curtis is about to lay the smack down, Alex is quite a bit smaller then Curtis. So I got out, Blocked Alex from ramming Curtis and over powered him back into the car.
We get going and i'm trying to talk him into eating something, Like a restaurant... My treat. He doesn't want to... But he wants me to go because I pointed out one of the big reasons i came down was so we can eat, That it was now 3AM and I had still yet to eat anything that day. I made him feel bad but he still didn't want to go. So I dropped him off... Where I got out to take off my leather jacket, and he runs up and gives me a hug and a little hump on my leg. I watched him walk into the house before turning around and leaving.
On the way home... I realized. I'm falling in love with him... Like I did the last two. It started off the same way, I would go way out of my way to take care of them, I would make sure they didn't get their asses kicked and I was always there when they needed me.
When Alex's trucks were both broken down, I offered to pick him up at his house at 5AM and drive him to work then take him back home when he got off... Its 45 miles+ one way, so 90+ miles in bay area traffic... When his old truck broke down, he needed a certain tool and i drove down there to help him out... No less, I pretty much show that I "care" about him.
Alex acts "gayer" then me most of the time, Before he would grab my "stuff", Ass or boobies and laugh at it, Because I was uncomfortable with getting felt up... But after awhile I got used to it and started doing it back, He doesn't really fight it... it's like a game all younger sexually comfortable guys are doing now, To see who the first one to get creeped out is... Before it was me, Now it's Alex because if he doesn't get creeped out and runs off I'll go far... There were times, where he found my fuse box for my house in my garage and turned everything off. I couldn't see so I was trying to get him to turn the switches back on, In doing so I started rubbing him... I started rubbing his stomach, chest, ass at first but he wouldn't budge so I started rubbing his crotch and he still wouldn't budge... Finally I said f*ck it and he just bust up laughing and turned them back on... I've seen him naked before, At one point he dragged me to the bathroom to see how much "bigger" i am then him. He was quite "small"...
It sucks when you know you're falling for your best friend but you cannot help it... There won't be an "us" and if I try for it, It will fail and it will destroy our friendship. But you cannot pick and choose who you fall for.
Cliffs: I'm falling for a best friend i've had for about 2 years now... I've began to get protective of him, caring alot more about his well being and get jealous when he hits on girls in front of me... But I cannot do anything about it, We have a great friendship, Were always there for eachother and if I try anything to get "what i want" it will just ruin what we already have. It sucks.