08-03-2009, 11:46 PM
Im fine thank you, and no, he didnt scare me off. Im very hard to scare.:biggrin: I kinda have a problem now, you see. Like i said in the biggining of this forum, im like totaly crushing on my best friend Nick. Bad news is hes straight, well as straight as he can that is. Hes one of those guys that flirts with guys, but when confronted about it, denys it.:frown: He's been flirting with me from the start of our friendship, but thats not the problem, thats for another day.
mile: The real problem is that hes been gone for the past month visiting his home in italy
(ya thats right i got a hot italian flirting with me.:tongue: ) now as i said before, my grandfather knows im bi. Now i havent told him who i like, but i think he guessed, considering he keeps asking me to call Nick. He keeps asking me and hang out with him and stuff. Normally i would, but when we hang were usally around people we know. If i were going to hang with him now, it just be us, and im kinda afriad what might happen.:frown:

(ya thats right i got a hot italian flirting with me.:tongue: ) now as i said before, my grandfather knows im bi. Now i havent told him who i like, but i think he guessed, considering he keeps asking me to call Nick. He keeps asking me and hang out with him and stuff. Normally i would, but when we hang were usally around people we know. If i were going to hang with him now, it just be us, and im kinda afriad what might happen.:frown: