08-05-2009, 10:01 AM
joseph Wrote:hello do you rember me i rememer you:biggrin::redface:
Heeeeeeeey Joseph, of COURSE I remember you babe :biggrin: - how are you keeping ??

MusicIsLife Wrote:Hi, im new here. Nice to meet ya.:biggrin:
Likewise MusicIsLife :biggrin: - hope to catch up with you on some of the threads :biggrin: xx.
sox-and-the-city Wrote:YAY!! Shadow is back
Are there any fantastic tales from you abscence?? I do hope you can regale us with stories most wondrous, brighten up the place a bit.
Heeeeeey babe

It's lovely to see you again :biggrin: - hope you've been keeping well ? xx
kitschcamp Wrote:He is kind of funny! It's one of his nibs favourite YouTubers.
Oh, and "hi!"
Iyaaaaaaaa xx
Twazzle Wrote:>: ( That is not wavey davey. So NO. :mad:
Awwwwwwwwwww !! C'mere

It's good to be back :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!