I wanted to donate to GaySpeak but the PayPal site that you link to asks for information I am not comfortable giving to a third party website, specifically my phone number. There is no valid reason for anyone wanting to bill my credit card to ask for my phone number and so I am not willing to give it. If there is another way to donate I would like to as I really like this place but I'm not comfortable giving my phone number to some random business.
i didnt have to give details like that im sure!?!?! Cant remember how it went down when i donated! PM andy and ask if there anova way.
damn I sound like such a neophyte, how do I PM someone who hasn't replied to a message?
[COLOR="Purple"]The only issue I have heard about PayPal is that if there is a problem they are not very useful.
If everything goes fine and both parties are happy then PayPal is great... [/COLOR]
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Threads: 1,916
Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Hey Richard!
Awww thanks!
Yeah, as the guys said... PayPal is really safe and reliable (it's owned by eBay!) and will not share your information or use it for marketing purposes. The telephone number is just for security to see if it matches the one you have registered with your card provider or in case you want to contact them to query the transaction at a later date.
PayPal is the cheapest for me to use at the moment without getting a dedicated Merchant account which would cost £££/$$$!
ardus Wrote:I wanted to donate to GaySpeak but the PayPal site that you link to asks for information I am not comfortable giving to a third party website, specifically my phone number. There is no valid reason for anyone wanting to bill my credit card to ask for my phone number and so I am not willing to give it. If there is another way to donate I would like to as I really like this place but I'm not comfortable giving my phone number to some random business.
Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message. However, I do concede, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.