11-14-2009, 08:58 PM
Spanish region starts campaign to help children discover 'self-pleasure'
It is a subject that would make most parents, teenagers and teachers blush, but officials in Spain are tackling masturbation hands on, launching a major programme to help children in their "discovery of self-pleasure".
This was taken from the Telegraph website today. Published: 7:00AM GMT 13 Nov 2009.
Extremadura's socialist government has launched a €14,000 (£12,600) campaign aimed at teaching young people how best to set about "sexual self-exploration".
"Pleasure is in your own hands" is the slogan of a campaign that has sparked political controversy and challenges traditional Roman Catholic views on sex, the Guardian reports.
"This is an intimate subject that should be dealt with at home," complained local opposition leader Hernández Carrón of the rightwing People's party. "We have become the laughing stock of Spain."
"They are interfering with the right of parents to educate their own children about a matter as important as their sexuality," agreed the conservative Confederation of Fathers and Mothers of Schoolchildren.
Despite the opposition, officials from the neighbouring region of Andalucia have expressed an interest in copying the programme.
The campaign includes leaflets, flyers, a "fanzine" and workshops for the young in which they receive instruction on self-pleasuring techniques along with advice on contraception and self-respect.
Extremadura's government is funding the campaign through its youth and women's affairs departments.
"The campaign is simple, clear, natural and easily understood by the people it is aimed at, who are aged between 14 and 17," said Laura Garrido, president of the Youth Council of Extremadura.
I love the Slogan, bet the catholic church is not happy.
It is a subject that would make most parents, teenagers and teachers blush, but officials in Spain are tackling masturbation hands on, launching a major programme to help children in their "discovery of self-pleasure".
This was taken from the Telegraph website today. Published: 7:00AM GMT 13 Nov 2009.
Extremadura's socialist government has launched a €14,000 (£12,600) campaign aimed at teaching young people how best to set about "sexual self-exploration".
"Pleasure is in your own hands" is the slogan of a campaign that has sparked political controversy and challenges traditional Roman Catholic views on sex, the Guardian reports.
"This is an intimate subject that should be dealt with at home," complained local opposition leader Hernández Carrón of the rightwing People's party. "We have become the laughing stock of Spain."
"They are interfering with the right of parents to educate their own children about a matter as important as their sexuality," agreed the conservative Confederation of Fathers and Mothers of Schoolchildren.
Despite the opposition, officials from the neighbouring region of Andalucia have expressed an interest in copying the programme.
The campaign includes leaflets, flyers, a "fanzine" and workshops for the young in which they receive instruction on self-pleasuring techniques along with advice on contraception and self-respect.
Extremadura's government is funding the campaign through its youth and women's affairs departments.
"The campaign is simple, clear, natural and easily understood by the people it is aimed at, who are aged between 14 and 17," said Laura Garrido, president of the Youth Council of Extremadura.
I love the Slogan, bet the catholic church is not happy.