Oh definitely I know some people who are pretty much 100 and they cover it up by being that much more homophobic
Amigo Wrote:Thanks for the warm welcome. And don't worry about Peter Pan. I like it very much too.
When's the LAST time you watched the PP cartoon? For me.... I watched it at least 10 times last week. (My kids love the cartoon.)
Would be a couple of yeats since i watched it, use to have it on tape but it got thrown out due to the DVD being created =/ though i do have a range of disneys classics
On snow white Doc says crooked fanny :O supose to be a kids cartoon
Welcome, Amigo. I suppose your next question will be: “What is the meaning of life” (no answers PLEASE). I don 't like letting anybody off the hook on the question of what “gay” means. If two men have sex together, they are gay – if only for the duration of the sex. The reason I say this is that most men have sex with at least one other man at some time in their lives and yet there is still SO much homophobia around. So I don't want to define “gay” in a way that lets homophobes off the hook. In my case, however, gay has both political and personal implications. Politics is power, power is oppression in most cases, so it's a political thing to say that you are gay. The personal aspect of being gay is just that – it's personal, so you can define it how you like.
I assume there is a personal motive for you to ask us what gay means to us. For me it's about love, sex and identity (which can change). By love I mean the love for my boyfriend (a note for the eggheads: Sartre called this l'egoisme a deux), a more generalised love for all gay men (which may or may not have a sexual aspect to it – I know I'm not the only one to have been a tart in my time) and a love for the whole idea of being gay which includes homoerotic art, porn, and gay thought generally.
I'll stop there. I'm beginning to feel like a boring old fart!
Amigo Wrote:prince Albert : "...but more with being loved by and in love with another male..."
Then shouldn't ALL men be gay?
:confused: Why so? That sort of joins onto the idea that we are all bisexual. But why should ALL men be gay if it meant loving and being loved by another male? Or were you including females as being gay because they were loved and in love with males? Not quite sure how to understand your question.???? :confused:
[quote=peterinmalaga]Welcome, Amigo. I suppose your next question will be: “What is the meaning of life†(no answers PLEASE). I don 't like letting anybody off the hook on the question of what “gay†means. If two men have sex together, they are gay – if only for the duration of the sex. The reason I say this is that most men have sex with at least one other man at some time in their lives and yet there is still SO much homophobia around. So I don't want to define “gay†in a way that lets homophobes off the hook. In my case, however, gay has both political and personal implications. Politics is power, power is oppression in most cases, so it's a political thing to say that you are gay. The personal aspect of being gay is just that – it's personal, so you can define it how you like.
I assume there is a personal motive for you to ask us what gay means to us. For me it's about love, sex and identity (which can change). By love I mean the love for my boyfriend (a note for the eggheads: Sartre called this l'egoisme a deux), a more generalised love for all gay men (which may or may not have a sexual aspect to it – I know I'm not the only one to have been a tart in my time) and a love for the whole idea of being gay which includes homoerotic art, porn, and gay thought generally.
I'll stop there. I'm beginning to feel like a boring old fart![/quote]
My point too... And you certainly aren't that!!! mile: :biggrin:
marshlander Wrote:Interesting, but why do you say that?
I say that because I think ALL men should love each other, but then again, I forgot about the difference between love between brothers and love between gay partners.
But it's also my thoughts too. I think all men should be gays. Then the world will be much better place. No more 'macho' crap.
I used to be extremely homophobic. I wasn't hostile to gays, but I was afraid of them, because I thought I might be one. And because they kept on hitting on me, although on hindsight, I wish I had taken some good out of that. (Nobody hits on me anymore these days... -__- ,, )
But I'm not gayphobic anymore. In fact, I've gone WAY beyond that stage...
I'm just making sure the way I understand 'gay' is really what 'gay' means.
I'd hate to think I'm gay thinking gay means THIS and THIS, only to find out later that it's not.
I told myself,
"Today, you're gay."
And I got THIS.
"One thing cool about being gay is that you don't have to constantly try to please the women."
The hell with them. I don't care what they think of me, I couldn't careless what women had to say about me.
When I'm gay, I don't have to try to appeal to women's senses, which is just impossible coz they are from another planet.
I just be myself, cool and relaxed... No need to worry about the clothes or the haircut...
I tell the women, I'm not trying to have sex with you anyway, so stop judging me.
I'm sure you realise, Amigo, that women fall for gay guys just as much if not more as they fall for straight guys. I think gay guys make them feel safe, because for once, it's not them who are being hit upon. Incidentally, what you say about not having to appeal to them remains true, in essence, but will probably backfire anyway. Such is the world.
I don't really see how, at only 34, people are no longer hitting on you. You are in that golden age of man (his thirties). ... well, that's the age I think really befits a man. Not too much of a puppy, and not yet an old doddery jerk. lol.
(but, I'll say this for my honey... he's the perfect man for me  mile
I know you've told yourself you were gay, but did yourself believe you???
princealbertofb Wrote:I know you've told yourself you were gay, but did yourself believe you??? 
No... I didn't.
I didn't believe that I really understood the meaning of 'being gay'.
I had an idea, or a rough feeling of being gay, and I tried to be that, but it's not even close.