Amigo Wrote:Who should you come out to first?
I should come out to myself first.
Then who's next?
My wife.
And then?
That's it. Just to myself and to my wife.
There is no coming out without coming out to yourself first. As to coming out to your wife I would urge great, great caution!
If you can bear it, may I share a few details from my own experience? Once out to myself I felt a tremendous urge to talk about the situation with other people. I tried discussing it first with a trusted friend who knew and had some understanding of the mental health issues I had been dealing with. The hardest thing for me to cope with was that, although I consider myself reasonably articulate, I simply did not have the vocabulary at my disposal to be able to discuss being gay in any way that made sense. It took me a long time and several attempts to be able to develop the language in a way that felt more natural to me.
The next stage in my reasoning was a realisation that since I had talked to a few people, I really should bring the subject up with my wife. I had met many gay and bisexual men who seemed perfectly able to lead multiple secret lives and I thought at first this is what I would probably do. I'm not a good liar though and I found it demeaning both to me and to her to try and carry on as normal knowing I had such a huge secret. I felt it was only right and fair to come out to her so that she too could make decisions about how she wanted to conduct her future. This was our relationship (for better or worse) and we both needed to look at what was going on.
I imagined that we would both discuss it like grown-ups and work out how to deal with all this in a way that would not be too damaging. I imagined it might even bring us closer again. For years I had lived with her complaints that I was too private and never able to be "open and honest" with her. She had often complained that she never knew how I felt about things or what I was thinking. Stupidly I decided, at last, to take her at her word.
Big mistake! The morning I did that I unleashed all the demons of hell simultaneously. Her response was to call me a liar and let loose with a screaming torrent of abuse the like of which no one should have to hear. It was the beginning of a five-year nightmare during which a lot of horrible things were said and done. My two youngest teenaged children were still at home and suffered very badly in the fallout. I shan't go into details, but trust me it was unpleasant. I had begun this journey with no plans at all to break up the family. Knowing what I had found out about myself I fantasised that one best-case outcome would probably have been for me to form some kind of sexual arrangement with a man in a similar situation. I really could not manage to live secret multiple lives. It was affecting my mental health quite badly and the depressive episodes I had suffered for many years were coming more often and lasting longer. I brought that five-year period to an end when, after five non-stop days of my poor kids having to endure the sound of my wife's voice screaming and wailing at me as they went to bed at night and it being the sound they woke up to in the morning I knew I had to get out or I would die. What the kids didn't know (or maybe they did

) was that she had managed to keep this up this barrage most of those nights too. Where she got the energy from I have no idea, but I was just exhausted and I was fast dipping back into a suicidal depression I had previously experienced in my twenties. I had no wish to be in that place. So I packed a few things and turned up on my father's doorstep begging sanctuary.
With the benefit of hindsight, I should have lied and left her anyway. Goodness knows there was cause enough without my sexuality ever being an issue. Had I done that as soon as I faced up to what was really going on in my life I would have saved us both those years of torture. My son might not have been expelled from school at fourteen (he was never able to return to school) for a drug-related misdemeanour and my daughter might not have taken an overdose. Who knows? It could have all been different ... maybe.
As to your situation, Amigo, only you can make the decisions. No doubt the questions you are asking yourself probably include wondering about where your future will take you and whether it includes staying with your wife. Unless she is a very special person indeed I would suggest saying nothing at all to her while there is any doubt in your mind. Once you say it it can't be unsaid. It's a bloody situation in which to find yourself. I can only wish you the very, very best of luck.