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Gay and Transvestite
Wow, you saw that movie in a THEATER? Cooooool!!!

Yeah... if you remember that scene, you know EXACTLY how I feel about vaginas.

Amigo Wrote:Wow, you saw that movie in a THEATER? Cooooool!!!

[COLOR="Purple"]Yeah, I asst managed an old time movie theatre. It had just the one screen and was very large with amazing sound.

The Wall was a HUGE success at the time and I must have been in the theatre over 100 times. I would go in and sit watching scene after scene... or just being in the hallways listening to the soundtrack... really an amazing flick Bow [/COLOR]

Funny, I've never really wanted to see that film even though I loved Alan Parker's other movies... Bugsy Malone, etc...

princealbertofb Wrote:... I loved Alan Parker's other movies... Bugsy Malone, etc...

[COLOR="purple"]Seriously??? Bugsy??? WoW... I dont know anyone who liked BM Scared But now I do Remybussi ***just looked at his filmography and NOT the BM I was thinking of... the musical with teens and children BM. OK Rofl

From Wiki: [/COLOR]
Quote:[COLOR="Blue"]Pink Floyd The Wall is a 1982 musical...The film is highly metaphorical and is rich in symbolic imagery and sound. It features very little dialogue and is mainly driven by Pink Floyd's music.

Roger Waters discusses how both the album and the film are partially derived from the story "The Wall" by Jean-Paul Sartre. The movie represents the emotional connection Waters developed with Pablo Ibbieta, the protagonist, while he was reading the story. Waters claims the incident between Pablo and Ramón deeply moved him and changed the way he viewed life and eventually helped inspire the movie.

The film contains fifteen minutes of elaborate animation sequences by the political cartoonist and illustrator Gerald Scarfe, part of which depict a nightmarish vision of the German bombing campaign over the United Kingdom during World War II set to the song "Goodbye Blue Sky"[/COLOR]

Other A. Parker flicks: Midnight Express, Birdy, Angel Heart, Evita... All amazing flicks (well, I havent seen Evita but everyone says it is amazing Bunny2 )

Love the music from the Wall but have only seen excerpts from the film. Love the music from Evita too but was underwhelmed by the movie. I have borrowed the comments below from Stephanie K but agree with them wholeheartedly.

Visually, it is stunning. As soon as the music starts, however, and Antonio Banderas begins his mediocre version of "Oh, What a Circus", you'll thank God that you didn't pay what you would to see it on stage. Madonna's lack of talent is highlighted miserably - every song was transposed for her to sing it more comfortably, and she still sounds weak. Her acting is awful as well. If anyone bothers to listen to the lyrics of the songs, they will realise that the intention of the show is not to make Eva Peron seem like a saint as is occasionally the assumption. Yet, this seems to be the central theme of Madonna's portrayal and as a result there is a contradiction between the acting and music, when in actuality they should be enhancing each other. This makes the film difficult to watch at the best of times.

Antonio Banderas is also disappointing. He can carry a tune, certainly, but anyone who has heard David Essex sing the role, or even Michael Ball singing some of it in concert, will realise that carrying a tune does not mean carrying an audience's attention. Che is one of the greatest male parts Lloyd Webber has written, and is hardly done justice here. Speaking of not doing justice, I was also saddened by Jonathan Pryce. He is an amazing performer usually, so I don't know what wrong here. Watch Hey, Mr Producer! if you want to see Pryce doing great musical theatre
I like Madonna and Banderas is sexy but they are not right for Evita.

Totally cool dude. I've fantasized about what it would be like to become a tranny. I think they're so hot! I would make a helluva tranny. Great legs, butt, lips. It would be so fun to have straight guys hit on me. Oh! I would love to be a woman! Damn that's hot.

Amigo I sang with an all tranny band , well all but me of course, I was in full leather, and all but myself where str8.

I am not a flamboyant gay man. I was born and raised a man not a woman just because i am homo emotional does not make me a woman in any way shape or form.

By the way you (for the most part) DO NOT TURN GAY you are born gay. Accepting that is the hard part for many people.

I was 25 when i finally accepted it and came out.
and i know about 10 people who where older than that when they finally accepted it and came out.

I truly believe that everybody is gay and that the courageous ones roll with it. The others just supress it. It seems too natural a thing to not be at least considered by everybody.

HotCanadian Wrote:I truly believe that everybody is gay and that the courageous ones roll with it. The others just supress it. It seems too natural a thing to not be at least considered by everybody.

Very interesting thought there...Ancient Greece certainly does have alot of positives worth noting...

Amigo Wrote:May be subconciously, I want to be woman ....

You seem to be confusing a few things about transexuals and transgenders. The American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization diagnostic manuals recognize Transvestite Fetish and Gender Identity Disorder as two distinct phenomenon. Transvestite Fetish is what most people mean by tranny and it's just about sexual gratification. And many transsexuals go all the way to living as a woman and getting breast implants. Gender Identity Disorder is a more pervasive condition that isn't only about sexual gratification - these people really feel as if they were born the wrong gender. There are rigorous health care protocols to prevent people with transvestite fetish from going through full sexual reassignment surgery.

Most "chicks with dicks" porn stars you see are people with Transvestite Fetish rather than Gender Identity Disorder.

HotCanadian Wrote:Oh! I would love to be a woman! Damn that's hot.

Me too Confusedmile: I really thing that, over all, they get the better deal in life. Preferential treatment to jobs in many fields, free drink nights at bars, straight males sucking up to them and doing favors, and can get a sex partner anytime they want one. And the sex would be awesome.

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