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Hey there!!!
Hey everybody! I'm a 17 year old gay male involved heavily in music and musical theater. I sing in an internationally acclaimed choir and rock-- mostly alternative... Um.. I play guitar, drums, bass, and piano.

Other than music, which is the biggest part of my life, I am also active in the lgbt community. I am president of my high school's GSA and I am a member of the local PFLAG chapter and of the youth group it supports.

I'm a lot more multi-faceted than this message may suggest, but I'll reserve my other interests for those who want to talk a bit more, rather than bore you flat out.

<3 Jon

Music... cooool....

I always wanted to be a musician... didn't take long to realize I haven't got the talent for it.

But still...

I want to be a singer who can play mean guitar.

[COLOR="Navy"]Welcome to the forum! Xyxwave

I love music and musical theater, I can't carry a tune to save my life but I love listening so good luck with your music! [/COLOR]

Awesome! go for it... Coming from someone who started out with a range of less that an octave and have grown to just over three octaves, I believe anyone can sing- it just takes going through the proper channels. And any instrument is just the product of work and practice...

Thanks LibertyLove!! Awesome name btw!

true illuminati : When you're 17, you can do that. Sing three octaves.

I could do that when I was 17... or was it when I was younger than that?? But back then, I didn't know music at all.

I think singers are very artistic. Especially those who sing with FEELINGS.

And even though I can't sing, I do sing a lot. In the car, when I'm alone.

And I LOVE the emotion that goes into singing. The facial expression... the feeling in the stomach... I don't know... it's just so... emotional and passionate.

Guitars... when guitar solo comes in, I can feel the vibration on my body. IT's so... expressive. I don't know how one can express his feeling through six strings... but it really comes out.

OH MY GOD! I LOVE IT!!! That's the way music SHOULD feel! You, sir, are the epitome of what a music lover should be.

PS... No, a 17 year old's voice has generally matured to nearly their adult range, and not even twelve year olds naturally have a range, its just that they sing higher than they will at maturity, however, they can't sing lower. Just saying, really anyone who hasn't blown their voice can learn...

Music........ the universal language.

Music........ So complicated and intricate, yet easily understandable.

Music........ Takes a genius to write it, but everyone can listen to it.

Music........ You don't need to do anything to appreciate it, except to just listen. You can't close your ears... you can't help but hear the music.

Music........ Just make sure, when you listen to it, let the music fall on your SOUL, not on your brain.

Sometimes I use too much 'brain' when I listen. I analyze the sound, the meaning, and the history of the music.

But too much of it spoils the music!

Sometimes, I need to stop thinking so much about the songs and the tunes.

Sometimes, I just have to let my ear do its job without interference from my brain.

Classical music, like Mozart and Bach, they're good coz it helps my brain to 'shut up' and just let my ear do all the listening.

Classical music, lets my emotion rise to the top, and my thoughts sink to the bottom.

Music... it's sound waves, created by the vibration of speakers.

The waves travel through the air, and reaches my ear, vibrating my eardrums. The vibration is then translated into sounds, and my brain interpretes that sound into certain meanings.

Sometimes the brain gets ahead of the ear, and translates the music even before it reaches the ear. Then you can't hear the music.

Sometimes, the ear hears it, but the brain doesn't know what to make of it.

Sometimes, the ear hears it, and the brain knows exactly how to react to the sound.... and that's when the emotions rise... this is when the ear, the brain, and the emotions are in TUNE amongst each other, and makes music sound so... heavenly.

Nothing serious. Just going on and on about music....

Welcome to the forum.

What alternative rock are you into? Do you have anytime for other interests? Laugh

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