omg i no!!!! im obsessed wit him,iv a huge poster of him butt naked :p
I must agree mitch butt needs spanking and in my all boys school mr biggles(not real name)and spud would have helped as they helped 'teach'my butt(for little things like not getting a verb or answering a question without hand up).Shit I'd enjoy it as much as those great educators now.Must admit unorthodox but spanking made me good at history and english.Somehow I think biggles and spud found my adolescent butt and several others needed more teaching than others.Factually I had a pert butt and was in top percentile.Obviously being top of class I needed to beaten to stay there.Dont remember seeing it that way though!Catholic education anyone,ha!
The latter series aren't near as good.
Butt Maxie is the best!
Maxie is relay short too short for me lol
but he is very hot.