Thats really sad about your brother Prince, I'm very sorry
I also found it incredible you had already considered sex MOO, it was honestly very far from my mind at 13, you seem to have thought more about it than I have and I'm 21! Don't rush things fella, you mite regret it; there's so much to do in life, you don't wanna do it all at once or you'll have nothin to look forward to! Don't mean to sound patronisin or anything, I'm just in a preachy mood lol. Be careful, slow down maybe?
How is everyone? Lol, I had a tough week, mostly due to work, partly due to my hormones raging lol. And there was this "moment" I think there might have been with I guy who has been working near where I am who I'd never seen before. He smiled at me lol. That was it. But it was a lingering smile. I dunno, I was probably so desperate I was imagining it or he was probably laughing at my hair or somethin lol. But I realised I had accidentally glared back at him with an angry look on my face cos I'd just been pissed off lol.