01-28-2010, 05:57 AM
It's nice to finally be able to make a post of my own. I've been following the forum a lot the past few days. You all seem like great people. 
Well, im 16, I've been out of the closet for 2 years now. I first came out to my parents. I did so through a letter since I felt i wouldn't be able to spit it out in person. My family has been great about it, and they are always there when I need their support. Me and my older brother are the same as always, and that is one thing I have always been greatfull for. I'm a junior in highschool, still in the closet there, for the most part. My best friends know, and sadly I feel that a few of them have told others. But, that's what you get with teenagers. I'm a straightacting kind of guy, whenever someone finds out there is usually shock and denial, if that means anything. lol
Well, I'm here to broaden my homosexual community. Sadly, I dont think I will be having any romantic relationships until I'm out of highschool. The only openly gay people at school are the "super scene" or flambouiant(sp) gays, which I personally do not find attractive at all. No offense to anyone, that is just personal choice.
If anyone has any questions, whether it be my coming out of the closet experience or whatever, please do ask. I enjoy talking and hearing about those kinds of things. Once again it's awesome to be a part of the community and I hope to get to know all of you.

Well, im 16, I've been out of the closet for 2 years now. I first came out to my parents. I did so through a letter since I felt i wouldn't be able to spit it out in person. My family has been great about it, and they are always there when I need their support. Me and my older brother are the same as always, and that is one thing I have always been greatfull for. I'm a junior in highschool, still in the closet there, for the most part. My best friends know, and sadly I feel that a few of them have told others. But, that's what you get with teenagers. I'm a straightacting kind of guy, whenever someone finds out there is usually shock and denial, if that means anything. lol
Well, I'm here to broaden my homosexual community. Sadly, I dont think I will be having any romantic relationships until I'm out of highschool. The only openly gay people at school are the "super scene" or flambouiant(sp) gays, which I personally do not find attractive at all. No offense to anyone, that is just personal choice.
If anyone has any questions, whether it be my coming out of the closet experience or whatever, please do ask. I enjoy talking and hearing about those kinds of things. Once again it's awesome to be a part of the community and I hope to get to know all of you.