peterinmalaga Wrote:Andaluz is a language totally devoid of consonants
Really, when I visited Sevilla I was most struck by the fact they seem to miss off the end of words more than any other aspect of the accent (making feminine plurals very difficult to distinguish).
Think I understood more of the Spanish than the Scots  .lol!
Also,die Deutche sprechen!Wollen klein Deutche vor mir.
colinmackay Wrote:Really, when I visited Sevilla I was most struck by the fact they seem to miss off the end of words more than any other aspect of the accent (making feminine plurals very difficult to distinguish).
Yes but they miss out the consonants too. I like to drink a cortado (coffee) during the day but here it is a "cortao". A Pepsi Cola is "un Pesi" etc. I once overheard a conversation between 2 workmen on a campsite - I swear there wasn't a single consonant in it. But having said that I have listened in to conversations in foreign languages in the past only to realise after a few minutes that they were talking English with a Glaswegian accent!
Sevilla is a beautiful city especially in April. After June it get's unbearably hot there.
Pablogeebee Wrote:Think I understood more of the Spanish than the Scots .lol!
Also,die Deutche sprechen!Wollen klein Deutche vor mir.
I like that, Pablo. Keep working on the German! I had a few problems understanding it.
sox-and-the-city Wrote:Weegie is a derogatory term used in Scotland (though most particularly in Edinburgh, where i hail from) for a person from Glasgow. It's not the capital, and it never will be hehehehe
Weegies are known for their thick, inaccessible accents. I genuinely have trouble understanding some of the things that you hear on the streets of Glasgow...
Oh, ok, from Glas- Weegie-an then??? I didn't know that. Thanks for the explanation Saucy SoxY.
Hmmm, i stand by my assertion. I genuinely find Edinburgh to be a nicer place. I remember when i was in Madrid airport delayed for 7 hours waiting for my flight to Ediburgh i met a couple go Glaswegian girls and i do declare it's the only time i've ever been glad to hear that accent!! Made me feel like i was goin home... to judge them silently hehehehe I jest, i jest.
Speaking of pepsi Peter, i saw a facebook group that made me smile:
"'Una coca, por favor' - 'Esta bien pepsi?' - 'Esta bien dinero del monopoly?'"
Have you been affected much by the cold snap Spain's been having?? My friend tell sme it was snowing in Granada and it's been cold enough here in Santiago to make a Scotsman bitch about the weather. It really irritated me the way the locals were all like 'No estas acostumbrado al frio' Ermmm, in Scotland we have this thing called central heating. Galicia should invest in it.
peterinmalaga Wrote:I like that, Pablo. Keep working on the German! I had a few problems understanding it. Was?Mein deutche ist nicht so gut:frown: ?Wollen Ich mussen zu arbeite besser.  mile: Ja?
I think,lol,I said;What?My German is not so good?Well I must work harder.Yes?
Well,well,waddya think?Verstundert?Comprehend? I know! I''m being silly now.Tee,hee!
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sox-and-the-city Wrote:I genuinely find Edinburgh to be a nicer place.
Being English and therefore completely unbiased. I can confirm that Edinburgh is far superior, in fact I would probably go as far as being willing to trade Newcastle for it. Glasgow, however, I would be unlikely to offer much more than Corby, but then it is already full of Glaswegians.
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
Pablogeebee Wrote:Was?Mein deutche ist nicht so gut:frown: ?Wollen Ich mussen zu arbeite besser. mile: Ja?
I think,lol,I said;What?My German is not so good?Well I must work harder.Yes?
Well,well,waddya think?Verstundert?Comprehend? I know! I''m being silly now.Tee,hee!
You said, 'What?? My deutche* is not so good. To want i were to have to** to to work better. Yes??'
** well, it makes as little sense as that, as the verb form is wrong. I'm not sure why i decided to give you a subjunctive meaning, to be honest. Maybe someone who is better at explaining grammar rather than just poiting out mistakes would care to take over??
Your main problem is that you're not conjugating any of the verbs you're using...
fredv3b Wrote:Being English and therefore completely unbiased. I can confirm that Edinburgh is far superior, in fact I would probably go as far as being willing to trade Newcastle for it. Glasgow, however, I would be unlikely to offer much more than Corby, but then it is already full of Glaswegians.  Having only ever seen Edinburgh in the dark I know I have a gap in my education. Are you seriously suggesting repatriating the citizens of Corby? What would that do to the steel industry? Oh,wait, too late (sorry, Corby, I know you are a forward looking town that came out of the withdrawal of British Steel with a whole new outlook)!
I have seen Glasgow in daylight. It was one All Hallows Eve and my experience may not have been entirely representative. There were a lot of strangely dressed folk about. I had been delighted to get off the train in the city centre to hear a distant skirl of pipes, so naturally I felt compelled to trace the source. I was disappointed when I drew close enough to recognise the piper was playing tunes from central France and, when closer still, to be confronted with a Spanish gentleman playing a set of Galician pipes.